Paras bus resto

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by paradox, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Feel like I’m getting somewhere now I’ve got the first coat of nato green rollered on.

  2. Looking good mate

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    paradox likes this.
  3. Painting feels so good doesn’t it?

    I do like the NATO colours. I have an old landrover waiting to go back on the road when the van is done. It’s been rolled with NATO desert sand which is basically a dusty yellow. When you’re going for a simple Matt finish a roller does a fine job!

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    Iain McAvoy and paradox like this.
  4. Yeah it’s always nice to get some colour on after all the filling and sanding

    What landy do you have?
  5. It’s a 1993 discovery. It went into my parents garage 5 years ago when it failed the MOT needing some welding. I always said I’d learn to weld and get it back on (and off) road. I guess I have no excuses now


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  6. Nice big boys toy

    I used to have a defender and would love another but the prices just keep climbing ☹️

    I’ve a Suzuki jimny as my daily and although it looks like a bit of a kids toy it’s very capable off-road [​IMG]
    SteadyEddie likes this.
  7. You can’t beat a Jimny! Probably more capable than landrover if driven right. I had one as my first car. I do miss the little zuk. Did you know they float


    Sorry. Hijacking your thread!!

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    crossy2112 and paradox like this.
  8. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    I went on a pay and play in an old quarry in wales in my old Disco, Suzuki SJs were the ones going places other stuff wouldn’t touch
    Barneyrubble, paradox and SteadyEddie like this.
  9. They don’t float they get ass end heavy because the rear well and jack holder always rots out

    Mines ok but I feel like I should check
    SteadyEddie likes this.
  10. Not looking too bad after it drying overnight
    I think I’ll thin the paint a little for the next coat.
  11. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    What paint are you using ?
  12. [​IMG]
  13. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Steps forward..keep goin dude :thumbsup:
    paradox likes this.
  14. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    When we used rustoleum it said mix it with white spirit but it seemed to react.
  15. @ Barry Haynes used acetone when he did his.

    This paint I’m using says to thin with xylene but it’s not an enamel as far as I can tell
    davidoft likes this.
  16. Had a Suzuki samurai , when I was a dredging engineer/mechanic in south Florida . It was the only vehicle that could go through the back swamps after a big rain. These big ford trucks and dodges couldn’t make it. The company ended up buying it from me. They tossed in a little extra money because it are used it for a month or two for work. I miss that little thing. But if I had it I’d sell it again anyway.
    SteadyEddie and paradox like this.
  17. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    We used thinners and it was much better.
    paradox likes this.
  18. Took the sliding door off to prep and paint the seal channel and the roller channel

    Only to find them in a mess
    There’s been no prep at all and paint over the top of grease and muck
    JamesLey likes this.
  19. Done by a VW Specialiist?

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