Ouch ouch oooooooh ouch

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rustbucket, Dec 21, 2018.

  1. I’ve broken a wisdom tooth. Been to dentist but they can’t do anything as it’s broken lower than the gum line. So it’s got to come out in hospital but I won’t get the referral till new year.

    My god it hurts. The whole side of my head and even my eye socket is throbbing. Eating painkillers every four hours but even that’s only dulling the pain.

    Any top tips? Someone said to me about clove oil, does that actually work?

    Can’t say I’m exactly looking forward to my Christmas dinner now.
    shielsy likes this.
  2. Anyone recommend a good over the counter pain killer?
  3. booze, plenty of it.
    Jack Tatty and rustbucket like this.
  4. Unfortunately I don’t really drink. Might take it up now though.
  5. smeato

    smeato Supporter

    Clove oil does work but maybe not for severe pain like that, give it a try-dab on with a cotton bud. It normally only lasts a short while so you have to keep re-applying but it might give you a bit of relief. I’ve got toothache just now and I’m surprised how effective ibuprofen is but I’m sure you’ve tried that. Good luck with the turkey :burp:
  6. Thank you. I will give anything a go at the minute. I might just stuff my whole mouth with cloves like a hamster
    scrooge95 and Kkkaty like this.
  7. Soggz

    Soggz Supporter

    Zapain. Ask the dr. Makes you sleepy though, and clogs you up.
  8. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Weed :thumbsup:
    Soggz and cunny44 like this.
  9. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Best pain relief you can do over the counter is co-codamol (paracetamol and codeine) and ibuprofen. You can take both and stagger the doses so you are popping pills pretty regularly. Clove oil as well might help a bit. The GP can give you something with a higher dose of codeine in it. Good luck.
    Moons, mgbman, cunny44 and 1 other person like this.
  10. Ooh ow ouch indeed. Surely the dentist can do something? Cover the exposed nerve with a temporary filling or something? They can’t leave you like that.
    Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man springs to mind.
    Soggz and Merlin Cat like this.
  11. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

    :) I’m sure that Marathon Man reference has made him feel tons better!!
    I had a wisdom tooth that had 3 prongs. It didn’t come through til in my 40’s and the smaller than me lady dentist had a proper job getting it out. At one point it was half out and got stuck and we thought I may have to go to the hospital to operate it out. I was dreading it due to the half in half out pain.
    Fortunately the dentist pretty much knelt on top of me and persevered until it came out.
    I asked what the extra stuff on it was and she said that is jaw bone! :eek:

    Can you get any sort of filler type stuff from a pharmacy @rustbucket to cover it with?

    It sounds dreadful :(. Hope it gets sorted quickly. You could always try and get into a fight and get the rest knocked out :confused:
    scrooge95 and Kkkaty like this.
  12. Thank you for all of your suggestions. I think I will make a festive trip to the chemist. Or perhaps the local drug dealer.
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  13. Is your dentist private? My back tooth was nearly gone n I thought noway is he he gona get it out .He cut round it and did :eek: feel the pain thou . I put the drugs on mine save wasting time it having ta go all the way down to ya stomach. You could just rub brandy on it . Fecking always Christmas when you might wanna eat init . Hope you said happy Christmas too ya dentist :thumbsup: good luck o_O
  14. Thank you.
  15. DubCat

    DubCat Sponsor

    Such a rubbish thing to happen to you just before Xmas. Cocodamol is the kiddie for pain relief as others have said. Be careful with clove oil. I overdid it once by continually applying it with cotton wool and the next day the skin on the roof of my mouth peeled off - not nice. Oh and yes a puff of weed will work wonders, so I'm told.
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  16. ron


    i have a mortal fear bordering on phobia about dentistry however the only time i went with no fear was with a backtooth broken down to the gum
    (xmas 79) one thing, though it might not be appropriate , that was causing the pain was the fluids in the mouth getting to the nerve and i found pieces of dry bread on the tooth kept the tooth dry for short periods of pain relief - when the emergency dentist took the tooth out i still felt some pain but didn,t care indeed the tooth shattered and for many weeks small bits of tooth kept rising out the gum
    Merlin Cat and Dub and Dubber like this.
  17. I've used clove oil .it helps but not for long ,you need some cotton wool Budd to apply it in the right place
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  18. cloves do work and you l smell of xmas lol
    Pony, Merlin Cat and scrooge95 like this.
  19. Yep - horrible -I feel your pain - I had a molar out last week - only just settling down now. People swear by cannabis oil - at least it's legal now unlike weed
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  20. Dub and Dubber

    Dub and Dubber Supporter

    Warm salty water will reduce the inflammation around it which should knock back the pain ...
    Start with body temp and not much salt, and build up both. My old man was a dentist as well as an actor for about thirty years :thumbsup:

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