Noisy dynamo

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Harryankle, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. Nope, they use a different mounting plate, but the fan is the same, and as such, doesn't come in the alt conversion kit!! :thumbsup:

    Single port and twin port fans are different ;)

    If you get the kit, then you get pretty much everything that you need to convert to an alt... maybe not the fuel pump, and there is sometimes carb clearance issues, as I think the manifold had more of an offset in it :thinking:
  2. Thanks everyone there's a massive amount of info here, can I take the dynamo out with the fan attached? And engine still in?
  3. You can, but it's a hell of a faff... you're better off dropping the engine...
  4. I'll be honest taking the engine out scares the hell out of me .
  5. I have recently changed my alternator with type 1 engine in situ. As others have said it is a faff but having now done it I wouldn't hesitate to do it again.

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