Newbee from down south!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourselves' started by burntout, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. Welcome.
    You should call it elvis with a quiff like that! Love it!
  2. hi mate south <that way or this way>??Looks cool, we all like something different. Be great to see it when its done,no trubs sleeping up their!! 8)
  3. Hi and welcome, good luck with the resto - personally I think you should keep the roof, it might be not the most aesthetically pleasing, but it is part of campervan history and should be preserved as such!!! :thinking:

    Having said that though, it is your van - do what you like!!! ;D
  6. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    Welcome to TLB burnout, loving that roof ::)
  7. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Welcome aboard from us ooop north!! Good luck with your resto, heres one for some inspiration:

  8. Cool! All :praise: the ark!!!!!!! O0

    :eek: We're not alone! ;D
  9. Hello & Welcome - cool bus 8) - good luck with the resto
  10. Keep the top!
  11. Thanks guys, really suprised how many of you have said about keeping the top, when we first started researching them it seemed they were the worst things ever invented! For the short term at least we will be keeping the top, will mean we can all sleep in the bus which will give us a bit more freedom on trips and shows in not always having to attach an awning! Have managed to get hold of a few very cool parts, now just need to make some time to get them fixed onto bus! Hmm, :thinking: about it, not sure that will be to hard to do, as rather excited! ;)
  12. oh - i like your van
  13. Welcome and keep the roof - its cool in a odd way!
  14. Welcome. Bin the roof it looks like someone crashed a boat :)
    Ignore the others they are just being polite, lol

    Seriously though if you like it keep it, dubs are all about personal choice anyway
  15. First dibs on the roof if you get rid of it...
  16. Hi, welcome to you both, keep the roof and keep the resto pictures coming, this has got to be 1 to follow as not seen a roof like that on a bay before.
  17. hello. i'm about as far south west as you can get without getting your feet wet ;D I guess you are on the isle of Wight?
  18. Ouchies...

    ...Good Luck!

    And Hello from another southerner!

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