late bay rev counter - what would suit?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rickyrooo1, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. Mines a white needle

  2. a white needle please but...

    mine has a limiter that cuts in at 4,500rpm, I really don't need a tacho that runs to 6K
    any chance of a big number 5 where the 90 is on the clock above?
    and a big number 1 on the left that would allow the needle to be horizontal at idle?
  3. My late bay has this style. Made in november 1972.
  4. Late lates are pure black and white.
  5. My January '73 bus has the same clocks as those. I don't think the so-called "prototype bay' clocks were changed for the black ones until about 1974. Which was around the same time as the EU regulation kicked in requiring all new vehicles sold in the UK to have km as well as miles on the speedo. Early clocks only have miles (or km if it was originally from elsewhere in Europe).
  6. The needle should be white. The brown is aged. I'm getting one for the early clocks but with the new embellishment ring in the centre. Why would anyone pay £145 for a new clock and then have a scabby 40 year old ring added to the middle if it. I want it to look new, not old!!

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