WANTED Late '79 Type 4 Heat Exchanger pipes to connect to snail fan.

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by Lime79, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. They should be cardboard ones and quite cheap.
    I bought them new for about £15 pair if I remember rightly.
    Hold on and I'll have a look.
  2. Fit like this:-
    010 (2).jpg
  3. He's talking about the metal pipes that go between the heat exchanger and the tinware dude :)
  4. I will remember I need to be a sponsor
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2014
  6. How much are we talking?
  7. TBR - I have the cardboard pipes; Paul's right, I'm after the plastic riser pipes from the Heat Exchanger....
  8. Steel, not plastic... ;)
  9. Wasn't sure if they were plastic or steel to be fair - I guess plastic would melt after a while :-(
  10. T25 ones were plastic... just depends on the thermal grade of the plastic :)
  11. Does anyone sell the snail fan at the top?
  12. Not as far as I know!! :(

    Although I'm sure that someone was selling brand new units recently :thinking:

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