Jezza at Glastonbury

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Barry Haynes, Jun 25, 2017.

  1. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Dicky likes this.
  2. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Vinegar tits, how rude, poor Mrs May, she hasn't got vinegar tits has she?
    Dicky likes this.
  3. To clarify when taxing profits. Where the profits were made that is where the tax should be applied.

    Also remove vat tax, costs a fortune to administer and costs the less well off proportionately more than the wealthy.
  4. the younger generation seem to have come out and voted for Labour at the election. the kind of folks who voted for Corbyn are at Glastonbury, so being a politician he saw it as an opportunity and went for it and it seems to have worked.

    as much as Mrs May tries she doesn't come across as being a caring for the people person. its a sticky time for her and the Tories and we are seeing the results of their massive cutbacks coming home to roost.
    JamesLey likes this.
  5. crossy2112

    crossy2112 Supporter

    What did they taste like this morning Bazza :D
    Dicky likes this.
  6. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Vinegar :thumbsup:
    Suss and Dicky like this.
  7. crossy2112

    crossy2112 Supporter

    Did she bring her own fish and chips?
    Barry Haynes likes this.
  8. ron


    wasn,t going to say this but --
    the labour party produced a losers manifesto - full of promises where everybody would gain money

    consider - they opposed a cap on pensioners winter payment - now this isn,t "i heard on facebook that--"
    but from my nephew who works with one of these poor pensioners ( i believe he earns about 34000 because any higher combined with his pension would take him into supertax) on getting his winter payment went straight out and spent it on 4 bottles of whiskey
  9. Nice to see the Tories are now so frightened of the man they tried to demean and vilify ever since he became party leader. I doubt that Maybot got an invite to Glastonbury - but if she thought it would get her votes she'd have gone. The message is loud and clear - she is a self seeking politician and Corbyn is a thoroughly decent and principled man.
  10. Unfortunately, the same can't be said about the company he keeps.
    Suss, fritt and bernjb56 like this.
  11. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Ha ha ha
    What's that smell?
    A "decent and principled" politician is a contradiction in terms.
  12. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
    Pickles and chad like this.
  13. The Daily Mail stuff about him being a terrorist sympathiser should stop now. The conflict in Northern Ireland was terrible and he played a part in the peace process - you have to talk to both sides and that means sometimes talking to people you don't like.
  14. I don't read the Daily Mail. He played no part in the peace process, at all.
    Lord Congi, Pickles and Baysearcher like this.
  15. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Have you seen @ Another angry voice's blog?

    He says quite a bit about the press!

    "Magic money tree" is part of a deliberate right-wing strategy of spreading economic illiteracy as cover for their unjustifiable austerity dogma.

    It works because learning an idiotic phrase like "magic money tree" is a lot easier than learning how the economy actually works, a bit of basic macroeconomics (fiscal multiplication, marginal propensity to consume ...), some rudimentary economic history, what quantitative easing is, how private banks make loans, or anything that takes the slightest bit of actual brain power.

    Amazingly right-wing Tory tribalists actually get an intense sense of smug satisfaction when they repeat the idiot fodder they've mindlessly grazed from the right-wing media.

    They actually feel smart and intensely proud of themselves because they've done such a good job of uncritically rote learning and then repeating a load of demeaning economic baby talk!

    They live in such a bubble of delusion that they imagine that they're making some kind of visionary economic critique when they mindlessly bleat "magic money tree" at anything even remotely resembling investment economics, rather than revealing themselves as shamefully gullible people who actually revel in their own economic ignorance.

    •••Read More•••…/magic-money-trees-a…
    Sick Boy likes this.
  16. ron


    nothing compared to the hate and spite that the left wing come out with
    Pickles, chad and Barry Haynes like this.
  17. ron


    yes they should stop oh by the way in 2014 a bill was passed to say those who went to fight for isis would lose their uk citizenship guess which 3 stoogies voted against it
    chad and Barry Haynes like this.
  18. JT1


    [QUOTE=" (or as right as it can ever be to go to Liverpool).[/QUOTE]

    It was going so well until you said that:mad:
    What do you see wrong with my home City?
    Dicky likes this.
  19. crossy2112

    crossy2112 Supporter

    It was going so well until you said that:mad:
    What do you see wrong with my home City?[/QUOTE]
    Calm down calm down
    Barry Haynes likes this.
  20. JT1


    Calm down calm down[/QUOTE]
    Step outside, la (pronounced Lar) :theforce:

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