It feels so wrong, i'm looking forwards to going to a funeral

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zebedee, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. One of the lads in our local VW club committed suicide just before christmas and its his funeral on tuesday.
    It feels really wrong to me that i'm actually looking forward to it.

    Not the funeral as such, but just meeting and talking to old friends i haven't seen since before christmas.
    I've only spoken to my missus so far this year, i haven't seen anyone else and its doing my head in.
  2. Suicide is such a horrible thing... Can't help but feel so sad for them, knowing they had nothing better than death :(

    Poor guy...
  3. I always see funerals as a celebration of life remembering the good times no mater how somone leaves us. Have a last drink with them say see ya later. A funeral must have laughter crying and thought. It sounds like you need to talk to your friends i would go talk you will feel better than you do now
  4. Theres a bit of a wake after the service in his workshop so a few drinks to him will most likely be had.

    Thing is he was only in his early 20's, just finished uni and had moved into a flat with his girlfriend.
    We were only talking to him the day before and he was so excited that he was nearly finished his beetle resto. :(

    No one saw it coming and he never left a note. Seems a little odd to me.
  5. Very sad time for you and everyone who knows him ,thoughts are with you all, spooky too, its anniversary of good friend of mines who took his life today 2006, he was well loved had a new girlfriend , his ex wife had alcohol probs ,which made him give up, but he had so many people at his funeral, it was nice in one way but made you wonder why he did it. He did plan it though apparently and did leave notes :(. He was a very funny and likeable guy ,i too only saw him a week before but he had a weird feel ,not like himself . Take care you are bound to miss him :(
  6. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    Bad news, but on another comment you make - how come you've seen no-one other than the wife? do you live in a remote area or what? don't you work?
  9. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I like funerals. Hmmm - that didn't come out quite right. :(
    Funerals for a suicide are bad though. Everyone will be wishing they realised how things were, so they could perhaps of helped in some way.
    Feel sorry for his GF who will be blaming herself.
  10. I went to a funeral just before Christmas - someone I worked with over 12 years ago (aged 47; at work one day; heart attack the next. Very sudden and very sad). I went to the funeral because I was hoping to see other people I'd worked with at that time and hadn't seen for 12+ years as well. Trouble was, I got there late (just as they were getting the coffin out of the hearse) so not an appropriate time to be saying hello to folks, then afterwards, everyone just drifted off - no hanging around, no 'do' to go to afterwards. Felt a bit disappointed, in a weird way.

    I think you need contact with other people when someone has died - maybe you'll find out a bit more about what happened (a work colleague committed suicide some years ago; no-one knew what it was about till the funeral and his family shared some background to what had happened because they wanted people to know); maybe you'll have a laugh and share some happy memories. But it sounds like it will be some relief for you to be around other people as well.
  11. One of my mates on fb lost his son ,he disappeared in a river in York and he body was found 2 weeks later under a boat ,he was 20 ,I was totally gutted for ages... :(

    I have never wanted to go to any funeral ,maybe I am strange... ;)
  12. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    When my mums cousin died it was an eye-opener. He was a very private person and compartmentalised his life - so we found out.
    The whole thing was a surprise. "He was the GB Hockey team coach in the 70's, that's how we know him". Really? Feck me he never mentioned that! " He was a stalwart of the Wax Chandlers Association". The what? And on and on.
  13. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Mrs TW has taken many many funerals in her time as a priest and the amount of times people family or friends didn't even know the real name of the deceased let alone what they were like.

    We are BBQing me dad on friday and the bun fight is at ours (5min walk from crem), I can't wait for it to be over so all the "sorry to hear about your" crap can stop. On a bright note will have a wedding the next day so might just get a little tipsy.
  14. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    I can see my mates and get drunk anytime, don't need someone to die for me to do it ???
  15. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  16. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

  17. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  18. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

  19. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier


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