is it safe

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by volkswombat, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. To open the dishwasher mid cycle?
  2. she wont mind will she :eek:
    Moons, Pony and volkswombat like this.
  3. no opening it is the womans job ...:thumbsup:
    oscar likes this.
  4. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Which cycle are you mid?

  5. in my house i am the dish washer
  6. I would have thought the cycle bit could be awkward..dismount first. :confused:
    IZZYBAY and volkswombat like this.
  7. me too i dont trust machines or .....................................
  8. It is only recently started, something's amiss. I want to open and investigate bit fear stops me
  9. Yes, if it's a Bosch.
  10. I wouldn't trust it.
    Same as stopping a satellite before its in orbit.
    Be warned.
    volkswombat likes this.
  11. I've been there and lived to tell the tale
    volkswombat likes this.
  12. Be brave. Do it.
  13. No please.
    You'll kill us all.
  14. ...nothing will catch fire that cant be quenched by the tidal wave of water released on opening the door...
  15. Liar. Your on their side.

  16. Water? I thought dishwashers were like dry cleaning.
  17. did you put the dog in their :eek:

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