I hate shopping centres

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. Ive been dragged round darlington town centre today
    Mrs para eldest para daughter and her freind and youngest para daughter
    How people go shopping for fun each weekend is beyond me

    Loads of poorly made overpriced uneeded tat sold under silly bright lights with enough banging music being played to give a deaf person a headache
    oxiderenegade likes this.
  2. I generally want to take a baseball bat with me when I go shopping in places like that... always some idiot walking at 0.5mph or someone who insists on stopping in front of you or staggering around like they're drunk and getting in your way as you try and walk past them o_O
  3. A lot of those poor quality items you refer to are made by Empi ( or such like ) and sold under names that sound so very English , B and Q is a company in the forefront of tat sold under English sounding names to give there stuff some kind of quality feel about it

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