How good are you at identifying Chairs?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ArtyGirl, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. mmmmm a little bit of a 911 in my Bay, quite fancy that! Thats our heights too Joker so couldn't have got a better recommendation, cheers!!

    Lots of options for me to think about....
  2. I have fiesta rs turbo seats in mine
    Im 6 ft tall but have no problem with headroom as i removed the runners and bolted them in with flat brackets
    Im the only person whos going to be driving my bus so as long as they fit and suit me fine then thats all that matters

    The bolsters on the sides will stop me sliding out of the seats when im driving it on angled river banks etc

  3. Steve Strange, eBay. Douglas Valley Porsche breakers. A good bloke and sells some reasonably priced stuff. I got some nice grey leather with fake suede electric and heated for a couple of hundred.
  4. cheers paradox & joker x
  5. Landrover colours
    Ford seats
    Dandy folding caravan heater

    My bus is like the mongrel of the dog world lol
    Its all about function over the scene for me

    To be honest though i think my seats and the porsche seats sit about the same height but you can retain the runners on the porsche ones
    ArtyGirl likes this.

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