House seller rant

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by baygeekster, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. I need to vent, and here is as good as anywhere. Don't feel the need to respond if you don't want to, but I just need to screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam.

    Why go to the trouble of marketing your property with an Estate Agent, all that rigmarole of photos and viewings and all that, only when someone (i.e. me) makes an offer, you just agree a private sale with your next-door neighbour? (Because he thinks it will be quicker and the neighbour won't want to do searches - well, their mortgage lender will, unless they are cash buyers!) The neighbour is actually offering less money than me too!!!!! Grrrrr.

    What a ****.

    I hope the Estate Agent still charges them their fee, and I have told them I think they should do so.

    I am unspeakably angry.
  2. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Sad news bud. It obviously wasn't meant to be. Saves the garage roof problem though eh?

    My LT is £100 per week. 85 long term. Inc electricity, water, Shower facilities and cider.;)
    baygeekster and volkswombat like this.
  3. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    i feel for you, but at least you didn't get to the searches done and then the tw@ pulls out like my 1st one...........i'm never moving again, even if i hate the new place once i get there.
    Razzyh likes this.
  4. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    No breakfast ?
  5. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    As you get older the adventure goes from an house move. It is just a ballache!
  6. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  7. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    No. We do it between us when we're camping and I won't be up when they go to work.

    Besides at £100 per week... cheap at double the price.
    bernjb56 likes this.
  8. At this rate I might be taking you up on that. I don't know about the adventure, it all seems to be a massive ball ache. Every house has something wrong with it, next door to a primary school, Virgin Pendolino goes past the bottom of the garden, opposite a school, next to a soon-to-be-built "controversial" housing estate, on top of old mine works, on a flood plain, the list goes on.

    And in the case of this place, seller is an arsehole. :mad:
    Poptop2 likes this.
  9. location location location ,phil n kirsty ?
  10. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Because it's free - the whole process of selling is free up to the point where they actual sell - so its a market full of dickweeds putting properties on the market and royally messing others about.

    The government, as I have droned on about before, tried to reform it, and the least regulated industry (despite being the one where you spend more money than on anything else in your life) chose to blackball it - the press jumped on the bandwagon (back then they made more money advertising property than anything else) and it got blocked.
  11. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    I still love it :D new neighbours to upset, treasures in the attic and a whole load of getting rid of stuff you never needed
    Poptop2 likes this.
  12. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    Well you know you can drop your offer if the sale to the neighbour falls through.
    Poptop2 likes this.
  13. Could be worse, Someone at work has just had their seller pull out at the point of exchange. Ouch.
  14. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Looking at the other nights episode filmed in Kent, neither couple featured like any of the houses they house had a mahoosive garden, big enough to get ten or more campers on, she moaned like f*** :eek:
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  15. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Got to be honest - what sort of weirdo wants to move to the house next door (unless they are very different types of house)....

    Can you imagine if the new buyers find an issue with the house you sold them, what with it being next door to you?!
  16. so the neighbours would have :D
    MorkC68 likes this.
  17. A couple of thoughts here,
    Bloke next door but one has just moved next door - bizarre.
    Baybirm, why don't you have a word with the chap next door what's moving into the one you wanted to buy.
    Ask him if he wants an instant buyer?
    House is next door to the one you originally wanted, can't be that different - everyone is happy.
    That's a quid for me on completion please.
    Moons and MorkC68 like this.
  18. yeh n if you dont like it you can always ******* the neighbour who bought the one you wanted off :D
    baygeekster likes this.
  19. Because the guy selling wanted to speed things up and this forces his neighbours hand.
  20. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    I nearly pulled out of one sale myself. The estate agent was an absolute inept idiot. Luckily the buyers were very on the ball and had him brought to heel.

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