HELP needed trying to find parents 1973 Westy Reg: - JNV 342L

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Cayenner01, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. Hi

    I'm posting this message in the hope that someone may be able to HELP me in locating or putting me in touch with the current owners of a 1973 (manufactured 1972) VW Westfalia registration JNV 342L. The Westy is/was originally white in colour, (now believed to be white/yellow following a recent HPI check).

    This Westfalia was bought new in March 1973 by my Parents (Mr Edgar Frank Jones) from the then VW dealership Gerald Whites in Northampton. They owned it for 2 years when they were forced to sell her and have missed her ever since.
    My parents are now in there 80's but would dearly love to have it back even if it was for just that one last trip or holiday together in the Westy. I'm fortunate enough to be in a position to buy her back (owner permitting) irrespective of condition as I will have her restored to the original condition before delivering it on their drive.
    A recent HPI check states that it is currently MoT'd, though not taxed or insured and the colour is now White/Yellow. The current owner acquired it in 22.08.2000.

    I would be extremely grateful in any help in trying to find this Westy or putting me in touch with the current owner.

    Carl Jones.
  2. What a great story ,hope you find the westy and give the story a happy ending.

    Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk
  3. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    We all love a happy ending :p
    dubsurftones, Moons and Cayenner01 like this.
  4. Thanks, I will certainly inform everyone if and when I do, I've been trying every which way to find her - The DVLA are so frustrating, I could know within minutes if they would release the data, I understand in one way, but they will take no sympathy or understanding in the matter. Cheers for your kind comments.
    jivedubbin likes this.
  5. I assume you are trying earlybay .com too as their bus is a crossover so maybe someone over their may know ?? Good luck , i hope the present owner is not to attached or perhaps if they are a trip would be in order
  6. Many thanks, I'll gee them a go too - I've posted on most of the most usual VW portals.

    Kindest Regards
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  7. would another camper of similar look not do ,if the one your after has been of the road a while and could take a long time to restore
  8. No, not really, it has to be this one else it's not the same. I'm prepared to have a restoration timeline of up to 12 months, but with the deepest and utmost respect to my parents and as you may appreciate taking into consideration there age (80's) anything greater than this timeline, then yes, I will consider an alternative good condition Westy for them. Thanks for your thoughts anyhow.
    jivedubbin likes this.
  9. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

    If you do an online MOT check will it show the name, address of the garage that MOT'd it? That may help narrow down the search. Best of luck :)
    jivedubbin and Dubs like this.
  10. It appears it ran out of tax in 2013[​IMG]. There is also a DVLA MOT history page which has listed all MOT for my van, but can't find anything using that registration I'm afraid. Good luck with the search though.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Cayenner01 likes this.
  11. Sorry have just read some other forums and see you have all this info already. Will keep my eyes open in Wiltshire!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Cayenner01 likes this.
  12. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    It's not showing as MOTed, it's showing as not known, which given its not declared Sorn'ed or enjoying the free tax it now has leads me to suspect it's not in use and hasn't been MOT'ed for the last 10 years :(

    Regarding the DVLA, there are very good reasons for them not to release data such as that, no matter how compelling the story (e.g. they'd need to do pretty extensive background checks on you and the current owner to check you aren't an aggressive ex husband etc etc etc).

    I do think that they, or a third party could offer a paid for service to act as an intermediary between both parties to establish independent contact....there's a Dragons Den moment right there..
  13. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    But it not be the same anyway as it'll have new this and that yes the plates might read the same but them most likely new too . :)

    Just get a nice little jap van with power steering so it's easy for them. :D
    Deefer66 and Cayenner01 like this.
  14. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Having walked the same yards trying to find my dads old van, nothing else will do, no matter how nice or more practical.
    Cayenner01 and Zed like this.
  15. If it was mine and I knew this guy was desperate for it , what would you ask ? 30 , 40k plus the total restoration costs 20k this is going to be one expensive westy .....very nice gesture and the best of luck ! Is there a finders fee ?
  16. You just need a friendly police man
    jivedubbin likes this.
  17. The small ads in private eye often have "we can find anyone for you ads " might be worth a try
  18. No, unfortunately not, I've tried this including the DVLA reg check etc plus the infamous DVLA Form 188. Many thanks for your help and thoughts anyhow.
  19. Fully accept and understand your comments, However, a very recent HPI check states the vehicle has a current MoT and the DVLA check stated that it was insured some couple of years ago. The DVLA 188 route did get some way with the DVLA but they refused to pass on the info I required at the 11th hour!!! I have very detailed evidence including some excellent photos etc so I don't see the problem. I did ask the DVLA if they could contact the owner on my behalf just to ascertain whether they would like to have contact - they refused. So, like I say, it's very frustrating. The only other way I foresee is "paying" one of these unscrupulous private parking companies to trace the reg, but I would prefer to do things legally.

    Many thanks for your comments and efforts anyhow.

    Kindest Regards.
    Moons likes this.
  20. I have one and it's not possible for them to do any vehicle Indentity Checks without giving a specific reason - mines not a acceptable reason.

    Thanks anyhow.

    Kind Regards.

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