Grinder blades

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by 1050Ron, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. Kruger

    Kruger Sponsor

    Another vote for these, the purple 3M discs are durable and seem to last about 3 times longer than the cheaper ones.
    1050Ron likes this.
  2. A dremel with the flexi arm and a stone bit on the end is ace for getting into small tight areas that a normal grinder won't reach. If you have access to a compressor, a die grinder is a godsend but a dremel will do much the same thing :)
    1050Ron likes this.
  3. How
    how long do these last ...i bought branded one from ebay and it lasted 5mins......your one looks like better quality...
  4. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    They are for flat surfaces really, anything sharp and they self destruct, but used carefully you could get round the bottom half of a bus with 2 or three. The trick is to do all the bit's that won't destroy it first, keep it as flat as possible and don't press to hard. I love 'em.
    johnnysensi and Majorhangover like this.
  5. I bought a pack of ten discs.. I've bare metalled most of the exterior of my bus and still have four left. (I did try the ones from machine mart.. Not as good)
  6. these were clarke ones i fink ...thats machine mart init ....finking to get a orig colour match and age it abit .....not going off matt black ,but i would like no rust and orig colour out of german factory stock look...but with big ***** off wheels of course....thank you brothers

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