Getting ready for Wilma's 40th

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by 72wilma, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Can I get this clear, while I reconsider my position. No eyebrows means no muffins ever for anyone , or no muffins for those that are against eyebrows :thinking:
  2. it means that if you're Julie and eyebrows appear on Wilma, the muffins get it (capisce :buttkick:)


    if you're Moira and the eyebrows appear on Wilma, the muffins multiply :) :food:
  3. Im all for moiras muffins

    Does that sound wrong?
  4. yes ;)
  5. ;) well if they fall off my wall and land on wilma does that mean i get the muffins and julie still likes me because my garage is on an earthquake fault :D ;D :D ;D
  6. No im confused Berni pointed me in this direction re muffins but now im not sure , what about crumpets ^-^
  7. we'll talk eyebrows next week John
  8. No news on Wilma for a while ladies....gis an update!
  9. roof's on, hopefully home soon
  10. Thats really good news wilmz, exciting times ahead. Its gona be a very smart bus you have their too 8)
  11. wow - looking good
  12. As is. Nose. Grill. Mouth on the panel.


    Mouth on the bummer = Jimmy Hill + mangled mouth in no time.

    Not that I'm biased...

    That's one spanking looking bus btw.
  13. so how much longer then 8)
  14. I like muffins and eye brows ... so there!
  15. What about muffins with eyebrows?
  16. if John's reading this; there's a tray of chocolate pistachio brownies with your name on it and a torta all gianduca for Lynne, if Wilma can be finished next week :)
  17. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    How much weight has John put on over the last couple of months? :eek:
  18. none, bless him, he never gets to the spoils in time, but a certain 81a-yer was so hurt about the biscuit/pie taunts, he's on a diet :))
  19. Anymore news ladies, she is back with you and ready to roll. :) :)
  20. soon soon, all will be revealed ;)

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