fox attack?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ermintrude, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. if theyre hungry they will eat anything, even babies as they don't know its a baby, just another small creature. I can understand where fox hunting came from, farmers protecting their livestock, but I don't agree with what its turned into.
    Honky and paradox like this.
  2. me too. it's one thing killing a pest with a clean, expert shot but quite another to literally hound a poor animal to the point of exhaustion for the pomp and ceremony and 'sport'.
    i would have thought that urban foxes were aware of humans (so as to avoid them)?
  3. The urbanisation of foxes has reduced their natural fear of humans. Like any predator it will prey on the weak. Twice, my little dog has been stalked by large male foxes and she near pooped herself! I haven't followed this latest did the fox get into the house?
    paradox likes this.
  4. Its people feeding them and them prowling the streets that make them tame to humans, like squirrels, the red ones were very tame to humans and the grey ones in places can be tame too, my mum n dad live near a golf course and there is so many around there, the sound they make at night is harrowing!
  5. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    They're after baby poo! Seriously - lots of protein in it and they scavange nappies from bins.
    But you have to ask yourself - 4 week old baby left in a room with an outside door or window open in this weather? Something a bit fishy here - I wonder if it was their/a friend/relative's dog.
    Ermintrude likes this.
  6. mmm I agree, zed.Foxes can't open locked doors. However it is really worrying that the media are reporting these attacks with relish. there will be a public backlash against foxes :(
  7. We get a vixen passing through at night presumably after inspecting next doors hen house and on its way to look at further meal prospects a couple of fields away. I certainly wouldn't try to feed it, make a nice fur hat though, and the only time I've seen it get sort of agressive was when a hedgehog wandered into its path and got kicked out of the way.
    I rather think that many people view them like a semi tamed dog, sure they're attractive creatures but at the end of the day they are a wild animal that will seek food anyway they can get it even if it means encroaching on human areas to do so. They also run off with shoes or gloves given half the chance. :mad:
    paradox likes this.
  8. Yep, sounds very suspect to me
    paradox likes this.
  9. This story really angers me ....

    We had a fox in the garden and when I tried to help it out - I made sure all doors and windows into the house were shut.

    I would not leave Dylan on his own.

    And I can't believe boris then says foxes need to be culled ..... Just dispose of your rubbish carefully, don't leave doors and windows open when you have a baby around ???
  10. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Yes there was a pest controller on BBC breakfast this morning who said it was the smell of the milk protein in the nappy it must likely was after but the baby must of moved so got bit in a defensive way.
  11. i agree. i also suspect more to this story. i also think boris should be culled but i've thought that for a long while :)
    72wilma and dog like this.
  12. *whispers* did you know that if you search 'london idiot' on twitter the top person suggestion is Boris Johnson? #justsaying :D
    72wilma likes this.
  13. :D *rushing off to search*
    Ermintrude likes this.
  14. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Jessie j comes in before Boris
    MorkC68 likes this.
  15. People round our way treat them like pets leaving food out for them and then replace their hedges with fences so my horses cant vault them :(
    72wilma and silver like this.
  16. How many horses have you got?
  17. PIE


    I have lived deep in the country all my life, this thread makes me laugh.
    paradox likes this.
  18. None in Manchester mate :(

  19. Liked and agreed

    What sickens me is the people trapping town foxes and releasing them in the country

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