Engine out opportunity

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by ketbag, Jul 1, 2014.

  1. So i'm having the engine dropped soon to have my dynamo replaced with an alternator and also to sort my non functioning fuel gauge and have the fuel pipes replaced as a precautionary measure. Whilst the engine is out, can anyone recommend anything else to have looked at, replaced or upgraded?
  2. clutch - worth a look while the engine is out

    Gearbox oil - another one worth doing as the access is a bit easier!!
  3. clutch is new thankfully, but noted the gearbox oil. cheers.
  4. Take the tank out and inspect/fix it. Check/change the tank filler hoses. Paint your engine compartment!
    ketbag likes this.
  5. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    Gearbox nose cone hockey ball check for wear. Check oil seals for seepage.
    ketbag likes this.

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