Does anyone know this Super Viking

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by sam_bug, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. Its a bit of a minefield! Thanks
  2. I wasn't looking in November unfortunately. Damn, should have been though :(
  3. That's why you did well joining here :thumbsup:
  4. I'm really glad that I did! :)
    Lasty likes this.
  5. If it is a mish-mash don`t let that put you off - as long as it`s solid and the layout suits your needs it`s got to be worth a look . Everyone likes original stuff but always a good bargaining chip if it`s a hybrid ...
    The interior looks good but as you know it`s the underside pics you need and if the vendor isn`t willing to send you any then forget it ;)

  6. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

    Blimey that's a good price and just up the road from me. Two of my friends have resided at that hospice. My over the road neighbour is in, sadly for her final days, at the moment.

    Would have been a good chance for a good buy and to know the money is going to a good cause.
  7. they deffo didn't do one in 72 when mine was born!
    Lord Congi likes this.
  8. yep, 2l ,original interior ,good conversion as well with the double top roof, I forgot about it, might of bid at that price even, but just goes to show you need to list items correctly on ebay, that's how I got my new original interior for £29 :)
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  9. Yours has been every conversion under the sun and still changing all the time :)
    Its evolving :)
  10. Man needs a hobby!
    Lord Congi and Merlin Cat like this.

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