Day fom hell and it's not even half way

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by 72wilma, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Ever had a day when you wished that you had stayed in bed?

    Came into work today to find that all our newly planted trees down one side of the school gardens have been broken in half. What kind of stupid %$&** breaks trees in a nursery? Probably the same one who did it in September but this time we have cctv but no clear image of the little $£&* face :theforce:

    Police are on there way (same as before - we're still waiting for them to turn up from last September :rolleyes: )

    This on top of the usual Monday morning stuff (half the team off sick; the kids who you pray are ill and off are bouncing around the walls and very much the picture of health and too much work for the time in school).

    I'm going to find a dark corner and hide from the afternoon
    Tiny-Pie likes this.
  2. dont let the scum bring you down, hopefully nature will find a way of paying him back :mad: , errm is the dark corner next to the naughty corner:Dchildren can be so................................ :rolleyes:
    72wilma likes this.
  3. If you monday is as bad as its sounds look on the bright side that your week can only get better :)
    72wilma likes this.
  4. I'm going to do the same.
  5. I can hope, but looking at the diary, it won't, I can cope with all the child protection stuff, the special needs wrangling (money, people, forms) that I've got piled up ready to plow through but I've got a 1 hr meeting with a web designer of Wednesday :eek:
  6. Its people who didn't get the chances that you are giving the children you look after now - what you are doing is unbelievably positive - never forget that, the kids you help now won't end up breaking trees in the future!!
  7. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    And next time you plant some trees, wire them up to the national grid over the weekend.
    Mrs Moosey and 72wilma like this.
  8. the children are horrified and there's nothing quite like an indignant 3 yr old,

    they have decided that the 'naughty lad' should be put in jail and not allowed a tv or any toys (that's their version of justice)
    Terrordales and Jack Tatty like this.

  9. or Max and Paddy's 'Stand back you bastards' car alarm :D
    Jack Tatty likes this.
  10. Three weeks until half term :)
    72wilma likes this.
  11. yeah!!!!!!!
  12. Half term otherwise known to teaching staff as catch up on assessments time, mid point summary statements and top up the baseline, marking, etc
  13. ^^^ or a weeks without the oiks!
  14. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

  15. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    That's good thinking from them, I hope the culprit gets his just deserts..however, it'll more likely be a TV with PS4 opposed to no TV/toys :(
  16. Oh no .... bad times... can't wait til half termx
  17. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    Soon be spring and time to go camping :thumbsup:
    Farrantini, Barneyrubble and MorkC68 like this.
  18. @72wilma is yours an ebd school?
  19. Hmmm,... Ya say that's twice now is it? (put's on detective hat)
    Sounds like the perp may have a beef with the institution, or perhaps a particular staff member.
    Start a list of the kids you beat and tortured the most over the past 8 years and go from there.
    But seriously, try planting a row of tall ornamental grass for now.
    It bends like a reed.
    That's funny because it is a reed.
    Mrs Majorhangover and Moons like this.
  20. Moons

    Moons Supporter



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