COP 26

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tilly, Nov 1, 2021.

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  1. Once upon a time we led the USA, not followed it...
  2. Dubs

    Dubs Sponsor supporter extraordinaire

    When was that?
    Zed likes this.
  3. The way Russia is assembling on the polish border is very worrying indeed!
    mgbman likes this.
  4. Just an observation of the over- pumkinisation of Halloween.
    Huyrob likes this.
  5. Excellent observation, but to return to the European traditions of All Hallows Eve we should call it Turnipification.
    F_Pantos and Jack Tatty like this.
  6. We only ever had jacko lanterns made out of potatoes with a birthday cake candle inside......
    andyv likes this.
  7. Luxury, when I wor a lad it were a radish wi' a tab end in it.
    CollyP, F_Pantos, Pudelwagen and 3 others like this.
  8. Why does our government do nothing about the thousands of migrants crossing the channel every day, but rushes to help Poland keep out a mere thousand or two of the same Syrian, Iraqi and Yemeni migrants trying to get out of Belarus across the Polish border to the EU.

    The EU doesn't want anymore migrants that's why the French are happy to let theirs cross the channel to us.

    We are NOT in the EU so why on earth are we spending money and risking British soldiers' lives doing the EU's dirty work in Poland.

    I would not be surprised if our Government helped the Belarus migrants come here to stay, after all what's another few thousand anyway.

    As for COP26, it was a COP out.
  10. Its right we are helping Poland our friend and ally. The EU are gutless and all they do is look to punish, like threatening Poland with fines when Poland refused to accept certain EU laws which were contrary to their own laws and now the EU's answer to the border migrants issue is more sanctions against Belarus. Fat lot of good that will do.
    The EU are incapable of discussion and resolving issues face to face.

    Meanwhile another 1000 migrants will get in their boats and kayaks this morning and risk the channel crossing while the French watch them leave.
    Jean-François likes this.
  11. Macron doesn't want to talk about the migrant crisis as he is in a political crisis of his own and Priti Patel is therefore unable to sort it politically. We could come down heavy on the migrants and return them to France but they will keep trying to come here. Priti Patel is going to have another attempt at a meeting with Macron but I wouldn't be building any hopes up for a solution. We gave France £54 million to help resolve the migrants but they just did nothing and pocketed our cash, or maybe they spent the money on boats for the migrants.
    Pudelwagen likes this.
  12. What do you think they are going to do when they get here Rob you?
    This is the aftermath of going overseas and going to war and un stabilising those countries
    And then run away,
    This isn’t going to stop anytime soon unfortunately.
    Jack Tatty, 77 Westy, Purple and 2 others like this.
  13. Pudelwagen

    Pudelwagen Supporter

    Maybe we should send all the migrants to the USA then.
    Purple likes this.
  14. We tried that several hundred years ago and look how its turned out.......
    Jack Tatty and Pudelwagen like this.
  15. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    So that’s an interesting read this morning a mixture of opinions from our lefty snowflake and flag kissing members.

    As we are off pointing at dingys rather than talking about environmental issues I’m pressing the stop button.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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