cooling flaps 1800 T4 engine

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Adelaide, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. I am rebuilding my engine which I have removed from the bus. It's an Aussie import and the cooling flaps, thermostat etc. have been removed - hotter over there I guess!. All other tins, etc. are present. I have read the various threads on this so a quick question so as not to repeat things. Is it possible to fit the flaps, linkages, thermostat and cable, without too much trouble, once the engine is back in the bus? As I don't have the bits i will have to go ahead until I find some - hopefully. anyone got a set?
  2. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  3. Easier to do it with the engine out!!
  4. I have done it with the engine in, have to drop the heat exchangers then remove the fan cowl
  5. Thanks guys. Seems the best idea will be to try and find some. Anyone?
  6. There was some on eBay a while back, worth a search. They won't be cheap. I had a new thermostat, ridiculous price from vwh but neccesaary.
  7. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    me and @oscar fitted my flaps and rod etc with the engine in, didn't remove exchangers only the bottom tim then just undid the fan cowel and some of the top tin enough to pull it forward to get it in, with two of us and a torch plus swearing we had it done in a couple of hours.
  8. FTFY. :D
    rickyrooo1 likes this.
  9. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    :lol: I was trying to wind him up if he saw it...... 'tis true james helped but you saw it through while he wandered off when the going got tough.
  10. Trouble is I can't remember how you did it, and I have a set to fit now. :)
  11. Perhaps you had best leave them off then and let me have them!:)
    oscar likes this.
  12. Umm......No. :)
  13. Fair does, onwards with the search.
  14. Razzyh

    Razzyh Supporter

    Think I might have some flaps.... @Paul Weeding has a part you need....
  15. Do you mean this?

  16. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    we can do them at aprils techenders if you can wait until then.
    oscar likes this.
  17. I had planned on having the engine out over winter, but may not have the time to do it.
    Thanks for the offer, I may hold you to it. :)
  18. Faust

    Faust Supporter

    bought all my cooling flaps and thermostat plus cable wheel and cable from mega dub for my type 4
  19. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier


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