Buskers...Do you pay em?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jack Tatty, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Was in Bradford city centre today and there was this group of buskers, wish I had a clip to post, they were that good, really put a smile on my face....I think they were a family, probably roma, looked it in any case, a bloke on guitar, a bloke on keyboard, a bloke on tambourine and three lasses; all six singing in er, Spanish (?) or whatever, but totally spot on harmonies....well worth a quid or two, some folk were lobbing fivers in.... then around the corner, one of them living statues....not singing, or doing anything remotely entertaining to my eyes. I should have sidled up to him and suggested he see the competition nearby and then go home n learn an instrument..

    Does anyone actually like those living statues, you see plenty of them about so someone must be putting money in their hats....
  2. The statues are generally rotten, In canterbury there was a russian guy playing a vibraphone in the town, he was superb.
    Lord Congi likes this.
  3. The amount of effort to stand still is just amazing, I think they need to be respected for the effort and
    put a £ in at least :gnome: lol
  4. Standing still is summat I do for hours at work and get paid.
    Statues where's the talent and skill?
    Buskers get a nugget in the hat every time.
  5. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I think I heard the covent garden statue people are employed by the council. :)
    icepug likes this.
  6. There's a fella used to 'do' the underpass in Ft William. Quite talented in my eyes/ears, but his real skill was in sussing out the punters, regularly used to change tunes as folk walked past esp. young kids - cost me a fortune a few years back as everytime we passed he dropped into 'Puff the Magic Dragon', that was an expensive underpass. I considered dodging traffic a few times...
  7. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Robo, Disco_kegs and vdub brvs like this.
  8. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    if theyre good i'll always pay, if theyre crap but entertaining i'll pay too
    puppet man in norwich is class, he's been all over the national press. norwich is full of excentric legend busker types, marigolds being the most famous, walked around wearing marigolds balancing a bottle on his head-legend!
  9. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Plays in the pubs in Manchester apparently - I've only ever seen him in the street.
  10. if they are good - yes
  11. Yes. Defo. I admire anyone who can play an instrument.
    I love music but I'm completely talentless in that area.
  12. Ha ha, the puppet man! I heard there was son of puppet man now as well. I've not been lucky enough to see that duet though.

    And old Marigold, directing traffic :). I wonder if he ever caused a crash.
  13. always!!!!!! I never pass a street busker without tipping, as a musician I can tell you know, they are working, they have to apply for a license from the local council to perform and....... I needed every franc and peseta to survive when I did 7 months in Biarritz,
    Buskers need the money, you should'nt give to your normal street beggar as your encouraging them
  14. Encouraging them to what? Not wanting to starve to death?

    And if they want to spend the money people give them on cheap cider and Special Brew, I have no problem with that, because if I was in their unfortunate shoes I'd probably want to drink myself into oblivion to try to forget my crummy life too.
  15. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    If they're good they'll get something from me.
  16. Yeah the statues are terrible.
  17. yeh always stop n listen if they are good n bung um a few quid.
  18. I always give tips to those who try to entertain. I was in Hereford at Christmastime shopping and there was a fantastic group of guys in there 20's playing guitars and double bass and they made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. On the other extreme, in Ebbw Vale there is a Polish guy who sits on a wall just playing any old note on a piano accordion looking really glum - so I don't give to him! I would be no good though - I was only ever trusted with the triangle at school, I never did get promoted to the tambourine :(
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  19. Me too, although good buskers are in short supply in Lincoln.

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