BUSFEST prices

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lhu1281, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. Title changed thanks to woody ..bloody IPad

    Historically prices are through the roof and silly sums being asked for busses in the for sale section ...

    Saw a stonking split van ,rat in dove blue for a reasonable 13.5k

    And a set of BRM wheels. (No tyres). For 7500 pounds Genuine of course

    All I bought was a coffee
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2013
  2. I couldn't believe some of the prices being asked in the for sale field. I'm sure sellers were hoping to take advantage of newbies.
  3. With the prices busfest are charging this year I think peeps just trying to recoup their money ;-) £15 for a day visitor!!!!!
    sjhjoinery likes this.
  4. Well if prospective purchasers see these vans as highly prized for all the wrong reasons its quite logical that vendors will ask what are seen as prices...who wouldn't if the market can stand it. I have a reasonable idea of what my van is worth to me but if someone offered me twice as much I'd be hard pressed to decline and suggest a lower figure.
  5. I think if you state a price on the van and you got an agreed valuation with your insurance company as well your not wrong on a price of your vehicle , but your vehicle is only worth what someone wants to offer you , no matter what vehicle you drive ?
    aussie bay, Lord Congi and fritt like this.
  6. with radio flyers and other 'vintage style' wagons been bought up at nearly £200....the 'more innocent newbie' seems to be the target, and as a reasonably new owner I can remember looking at a bay a couple of years back for 7.5k ............now knowing its worth was only around 4, this was at a show , but to be fair if I had the money I would have bought it, smashed windscreen and all.

    However, like anything their are people who will sell for what it is worth and a reasonable profit and others who have been trained by Del boy.
  7. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    That made me laugh. :)
    I think people do pay over the odds for bad buses. I did on my first one- I didn't realise how much of it was either wrong or missing completely. :rolleyes:
  8. My first one a 72 Danbury was £180 :eek: in 1995
    My second a 73 devon one was £50 :confused::eek: we scrapped this one :eek::eek::eek: in 1996
    My first splitty a 65 westy was £2100 :confused::eek:o_O in 2001
    My 76 Danbury was, I think £3500, :cool:, 2007.
    Then I went a bit mad n gave £6k+ for a 65 13 window a couple of years ago,
    Back to reality now with my current 72 deluxe which I think was £4k, still a lot more than the first one tho !!!!!!

    My "Granda" great uncle really, gave £500 for the 57 canter berry Pitt back in 63, then about £1250ish for the 70 Devon in 1972!!!!!

    Now that's the prices I like the sound of!!!!!

    I thinks we need to build ourselves a time machine????:lol:
  9. If any of those rot boxes fetch the money people were asking then I've seriously under priced and under sold mine.

    I also saw a bus indoors an 'unrestored' bus with the mega roof on. It had been painted. £22k.

    Ticket price is one thing but I'd be surprised if any of them got close.

    Had to laugh though, saw a bloke test driving someone's van and he managed to go from first into reverse.


    That will be my last Busfest. £15 each to walk around a Sunday market with the odd smattering of VW. Fair play to the organisers for doing it but I thought it was crap and I just wasted £30.
    Lord Congi and Razzyh like this.
  10. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    So far today iv'e seen two busfest threads, this one and another about people nicking flagpoles, now i'm not there coz it's a rip off show that lost it's appeal years back, but I think this is well known and there was lots of posts saying this before today, I for one don't know of a single friend with a bus who's gone or goes anymore, the so called scene has changed but this show hasn't by the sound of it
    matty likes this.
  11. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    small shows are the future!
    Majorhangover and Lord Congi like this.
  12. agreed :thumbsup:

    Although I do like Whitenoise
  13. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    No shows is the future.
    Field, beach, pub is the future.
  14. I went for the day with wife and kids , yeah it's 15 quid per adult but these days you don't a lot for that anyway , I have gone every year since it started back in the early 90's . I don't usually buy much and yes it has changed but its an hour down the road and I enjoy walking round looking at what people do t o their vans . The earlybay display was cool and so was the ssvc .
    bertie78 likes this.
  15. Less is more. Such a shame about this show as it used to be a "small show". The first time I went, you could park / camp wherever you wanted to and it was a pleasure. The (then) organisers even gave us coffee when we turned up and they found out we had no stove in the van. Actually, we had buggerall in the van:rolleyes:
    The scouts didn't turn up to man the gate and take money so Viv Ball (of T2 o/c) got a load of people to do it in shifts and gave us our entrance money back for two hours each on the gate.
    Happy days :beer:
  16. matty

    matty Supporter

    Must agree i have lost interest in shows now even the smaller shows have changed
  17. Problem is people more and more are looking for a break away aswell, and these shows "normally" have evening entertainment aswell as stuff going on in the day too, so to those camping its a reasonably good deal . As with most day tickets they are bread and butter for the organisers who to be fair put alot of work into sorting stuff out. That said i dont go to moosive shows but some are getting more and more popular and attracting alot of peeps that arnt that interested in the vw stuff too, but some are, and helping to inflate prices across the board . Its the old story of your dammed if you do and dammed if you dont .
    bertie78 and fritt like this.
  18. Your so right but you forgot to say SURFING as well bring on the autum swell .
    physiopro and sjhjoinery like this.
  19. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    I wanna try SUP this year
    Looks good fun
  20. May as well try a sup as its been very flat this year , pray for surf that's what I'm doing.

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