any tips on refurbishing calipers?

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by grub, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. One of the pistons on my front brake caliper is a bit sticky, so thought I would refurbish the caliper while it was off the bus.
    Any tips on getting the pistons out to clean them up - do I need to fit them back on the bus to push them out with brake fluid or is there a way of getting them out with the calipers off the bus?

    I assume I just need to get the pistons out, clean them and the inside of the caliper out and fit new piston seals and dust seals?

  2. leave it connected to the busses braking system, pull the pads and pump the pistons out on the pedal... you might need to use a G clamp to hold one of the pistons, if one moves and the other doesn't!!
  3. As Paul says, use the bus hydraulics to pump them out. Might need to clamp one, or just one'll pop out & you'll lose pressure.

    Oops - PW's already said that. As you were...
  4. thanks fellas, will reconnect it to the bus (had to take it off to get the wheel bearings done) & give it a go.
  5. just put the brake pipe back on and let the caliper dangle...there is a upper steel edges in the caliper you need to clean well...

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