Advanced warning for TLB Courier Service.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by top banana racing, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. Apparently not, now he's finished the epic rebuild of Bill.
  2. AHHHHHHHHHHaaaaaaaaa well i have a towbar at Keiths (that he has been holding on to for me) but i havent been able to get down there yet. any chance you could bring that up? only problem is i am on the east coast near scunthorpe.
  3. Didn't you want a compressor too?
  4. in discussions with OC domestics at the moment and dont think it is going too well
  5. You NEED one, air beds, car tyres, cleaning stuff, painting the garden fence, the uses are endless!
  6. Ive got a compressor for sale, better bump it :)
  7. :thinking: If I get my finger out, you could drop Para's van back to him on your way back down!!
    Dicky likes this.
  8. Could do!
    That'd work well for all concerned! :)

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