A brave new world or a Passport to Pimlico

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by beatnick, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. bernjb56 for medical requirements and anything's that surgical
    bekyip, bernjb56 and beatnick like this.
  2. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Trusses a speciality :cool:
  3. I heard it was incontinence pads ;)
  4. bekyip and beatnick like this.
  5. There will be some almshouses set aside for us members of the old farts club.:)
  6. Agreed but only steam trains allowed.
  7. i have ''passport to pimlico'' saved on the tv box hard drive...:)
  8. Looking forward to the entertainment, then here we go.
  9. Being an un-edgeyoukaytid type, is this like Trumpton?
    If so can I be Windy Miller please?
  10. Trumptons nice, I could live there or Camberwick Green
  11. I could organise the paperwork ....

    God - don't I lead a fascinating life... :( (though I changed the font colour to make it seem a little more interesting)
    beatnick and bekyip like this.
  12. Have you got any blue
    Mrs Moosey likes this.

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