You think your bus has problems...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TomEv86, May 25, 2013.

  1. Im watching titanic they got poblems:eek:
  2. What happened?:confused:
  3. Did it sink this time, I've seen it a couple of times before and it always sank, i reckon by this time round they should have sust the problem and put a bigger rudder on bought some binoculars with them. I love a happy ending.
    12345, Dicky and Birdy like this.
  4. f m l
  5. Spoiler!
  6. Sorry!
  7. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    Did someone say Toytanic??

    Sydney and Majorhangover like this.
  8. its not that bad..
  9. Defo should have mentioned to that employee to leave key to cupboard in which the binoculars are kept ! does the ice berg get it in this film?
  10. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    The icebergs name is Ian. He has special powers where he attracts ships and then sinks them.

    Oh hang on I'm getting this film confused with Rubber. The story of Robert the tyre who kills people.
    Majorhangover and Terrordales like this.

  11. A most excellent film, so good in fact that Mrs MH go out and buy a golf clipper!

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