You know what the police say......

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tuesday wildchild, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    if you can break into your house than the thieving bastards can.

    Well earlier today we pop back home on the the way to Gunthorpe, I gave Mrs TW my keys to let herself in while took a few bits out the van. Well she comes out shuts the door and says you've got your keys haven't you, :eek::mad: No and for a change all windows and doors were locked. No one in town with a spare key so I had a think and picked up the crow bar I had left out in the garden and carefully opened the back door. :thumbsup:

    If I had not left the crowbar out I would of had to break a window which would of meant a repair and cost. So are the police right saying I should not leave things like crowbars, hammers and a ladder lying around?
  2. NO, they , the police were incorrect, they should have advised you leave your doors open whenever you leave your home thus facillitating easy entry on your return, bypassing the need to employ use of any tools to open any door/window>simples.(t.f.i.c.)
  3. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Am I to understand also the letter I got last year saying that the sucker part of my stanav was seen on my windscreen whilst my vehicle was in a carpark and that I should of removed it was also wrong advice from those in blue.

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