Women have different priorities.....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Sep 21, 2012.

  1. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Jenny has just left work saying
    'I've got a lot of jobs to do at home'
    so I said
    'Are you going to pop that new accelerator pedal on?'

    Apparently she isn't :eek:
  3. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    This is it you have hit the nail on the head ( which you probably do too ) accelerator pedal , its the bloomin accelerator pedal for gawds sake.
  4. Quality.

    Her ladyship has been down to inspect the site for the new brewery and asked where her patio was going to go? Hello we are building a BREWERY!!!!!
  5. not true not true.. Hand over your camper to your missus and then see the change in priorities.. It's because you treat the bus as 'yours' .. Bit like shed syndrome!

    us fimeils who have our own camper do prioritise our camper but the buying experience for parts is not quite the same.... We will look for...

    Shiny cables in big plastic bags to make us feel safe.
    new spark plugs because they come in little boxes and we've heard of them
    Fuses because they are colourful
    Ikkle cute accessories.. Because they are ..... Accessories
    Curtains go without saying
    Polishey things
    Extra carpets
    Chrome wing mirrors and hubcaos but no more chrome please
    Glass cleaner

    As for oily I don't mind cleaning hubaps but that is it.... Cleaning one side fine.. Outisde ish.. Inside engine bay.. Hmmm.. Every decade????
  6. dog

    dog Tea Boy

  7. patio = drinking
    i can't fault her logic
  8. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    And name it

    The snug
  9. my priorities are if it's cold and raining - house stuff. warm and dry - bus / beetle stuff with a spot of gentle gardening and a celebratory G&T :)
  10. My two main priorities are currently, remember to get dressed before going to the supermarket and... I forget the other one

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