Why is nothing going right today, Grrrrrrrrrrrr....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by loudoo2, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. I apologise now but I need a quick rant.

    Woke up this morning very chipper thinking that I'd be able to get the new door cards on today. Try and get a few things sorted before Bis Freeze. But oh no, it is not to be. Struggling to get the ruddy door cards on, get them on but now I can't get the door handle on. :mad: I am going to go mental if I can't get them on. I didn't realise it would take me longer than fitting the furniture. Grrrrrrrrr

    Not sure I have the motivation now to bother and I might put the old door cards on.

    Rant over.
  2. you're experiencing VW time - a 5 minute job becomes hours of work and at least three other jobs ;D

    have some k
  3. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    Chill out. Sit back, grab a coffee and start again taking your time. The weather is certainly on your side today (well if your in Kent like l am :) ) Enjoy working on your bus and feel at one with it talking to your bus as you go. I talk to Barry and Arthur and Gerty all the time when I work on them. Makes anyone looking at me think I'm mental but I get what I need to get done.

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