Who's had the dullest job?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by davidoft, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. Screwing tops on shampoo bottles....soul destroying!!
  2. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    There's nothing worse than being paid to do nothing. I worked for a year as a rotring pen draughtsman once. The whole place was on a dispute union go-slow the whole time I was there. I would stencil one letter, go for a pee, stencil another, go for a chat, draw a line... go for a sleep on the bog. A friend of mine discovered if you put your feet up on the cubicle door and nodded off, after an hour or so pins and needles in your legs would wake you up. Then it was lunchtime.

    As it was union organised, we still got a negotiated 2.2 hours overtime one evening and 4 on a Saturday morning - sitting doing nothing. Good pay but after the year I hopped it. Eventually the union organised accepting a pay rise that was less than had been offered originally, back-dated just 3 months. They'd been in dispute for over 2 years by then. Hopeless!
    areksilverfish and 3901mick like this.
  3. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator


    Our bin men are very quiet and efficient now. Boring job or what?[/QUOTE]

    On the other hand, it's better than walking the streets.
  4. I agree ,i worked for a kitchen manufacturers by Wednesday every week i finished the work until Monday ,in the factory I built a mini crazy golf course ,a made numerous beach balls out of sellotape ,I built card houses and see if I could put them on the top rack with the reach truck without them falling ,it was before internet...

    I worked at walls ice cream and used to have to grab ten at a time ice lollies and pack them in a box ,the machine never stopped and no-one was fast enough to wait for the lollies ,I preferred that, to doing nowt...

    I can do monotonous...:thumbsup:
  5. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I spent 3 weeks a year for many years standing on a tractor trailer hanging hop-bines on passing hooks to have the hops threshed off. 8 hours a day. Arms like popeye at the end. :thumbsup: That was my excercise for the year.
    lost-en-france likes this.
  6. I once weeded thousands of acres of wheat that had been contaminated with wild oats. I had to walk up and down fields, baking heat or driving rain, for ten hours a day with a sack on my back pulling them all out, they grow taller than wheat or barley. There were about ten of us and we did it for the whole of one summer. At the time it was boring though we had fun in the evenings. Especially the time we 'borrowed' a tractor that no one could drive to go find a pub. Now I look back on it and think it was pretty idyllic. Skylarks, exercise, suntan....the works.
    The guy who owned all the land had a triple barrelled name! Simon Packe-Drury-Lowe from memory. Never heard of that before.
    Poptop2 likes this.
  7. Weighing leaflets for mail drops for the Royal Mail on the night shift in peterbourgh Royal Mail train drop off warehouse , good job they were my wilder days ....and staying up all night was assisted
    Poptop2 likes this.
  8. Also put the free gift in new insurance applications oh and counted houses on maps for royal mail and listed in type of house (ended up guessing them and was sacked) , rolling Easter eggs in foil ( sacked for throwing chocolate at the women in the line in front of me who had worked there a loooooong time and due to a large amount of chocolate they consumed daily were less than quick to turn round ....caught by supervisor) and lastly shelf stacking in Sainsburys (knowt wrong with any of the jobs I mention but being slightly hyperactive not the best for me ) ....agencies jobs all of 'em
  9. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I once took one of these down in the pouring rain in November, on my own. It's all steel cables and bolt croppers. You walk up the posts from the thin end until it balanced on shoulder to move them. The corner ones were huge but I got one on my shoulder. I was just standing there wondering if I could walk and pulled a muscle in my calf. lol
    Kkkaty likes this.
  10. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    That is the most boring forest I've ever seen.
  11. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    They look better with hops on.
  12. Used to do the weekend shift at BMW mini. Three, thirteen hour shifts, 300+ gearboxes fitted per shift, Friday Saturday Sunday. It wasn't dull but it taught me production line work is the most thankless job I know.
  13. :eek: how many bolts
  14. 4. Plus fit the thrust bearing and put a MINI sticker on the engine. This is after reading the build sheet so you know which one of the 4 different gearboxes had to be fitted in the 1min30secs you had before your alarm went of. :D
  15. gawd shame they dont charge for 90secs if you take it to garage to get fixed :D , what was your record ?
  16. Time wise I could do a mini one or cooper in about 30sec. The coopers S, autos and the diesel used to take a bit longer.
    If the clutch man wanted a wee I used to fit those as well if we had a lot of coopers and ones coming through.
    It was soul destroying stuff. I'd do it again if I had to but only as a last resort.
  17. couldnt you get any out the back door o_O

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