Whoop my arm's not quite so numb. :)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Zed, Apr 16, 2012.

  1. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Any docs on here?
    I can't remember hurting my shoulder but it hurts!
    And my arm's tingling down to my thumb and going numb.
    If I'm working and I wrench it it's excruciating and similar so banging your funny bone.
    Is it a back/neck thing? A shoulder thing?
    Trapped nerve somewhere, but as I said I don't remember doing anything to anything. :(
    Been getting steadily worse for about 2 weeks now so obviously waiting until it's better isn't working this time.

    Any ideas?
  2. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    i had the same thing for the last 2 years - steadily got worse, couldn't remember how i'd done it, ended up i couldn't even pick my arm up over chest height, eventually got physio and 2 visits and following the excersises they gave me and the quartizone (sp) injections it's ok now, one thing for sure the longer it goes on the more you'll compensate and pull something else or restrict other movement, i wish i'd gone sooner mate - sugest you do the same.
  3. Hi Zed been meaning to mail you ,as saw you had herniated discs?? Me too, get it checked out mate, its probably trapped or damaged root nerve, it does come on with no warning mine did but i had serious road accident prior when my neck and lower spine discs got herniated. I fawt for MRI but had it done privately in the end , now waiting to see neurosurgeon to find out if they are going to operate?? The MRI showed up the root damage. Its no fun is it. Mines been going on now over a year.Are your fingers sore at the very tips(middle ring and small??) and muscle between hand and elbow numb?? Ive got it in my leg too.
  4. You were lucky rick, they do reckon on sorting it with physio, i had about 20 sessions plus accupuncture but it didnt sort mine. Mine did same as yours zed 2 weeks then bang one day ,they took me in in ambulance even morphine wasnt holding me down. I was told that you have trigger points in the shoulder ,it feels like your having a heart attack. Hope you get it sorted zed arms above head is not good , id go to A n E if i were you and tell them you want an MRI, ASAP.
  5. Sounds like a problem with either the ulna or radial nerve. Ulna nerve affects the middle, ring and little finger, radial the thumb and forefinger. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a likely suspect - the sheath covering the nerve becomes either damaged or swollen, causing the tingling sensation and funny bone like pain. Would pay to get it looked at as soon as possible as nerve damage takes ages to repair.
  6. I thought sore shoulder then numb arm were signs of a heart attack?
    Careful Zed.
  7. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Thanks for the replies.
    Herniated disc is kind of ok Barney - compared to how it was anyway! I still get sciatica if I twist eg try and work on dash wiring! But if I don't Im fine. It only ever effected my right leg. I know plenty of peeps who limp about with half numb feet, but though my big toe constantly a little bit numb, I'm lucky that it's not weakened too much as I like hill walking.:)

    But this I feel is unconnected as it's left shoulder - unless I've compensated for Right leg and buggered up my left side at neck height - could easily be that. I can hardly lift my arm. Pain is in shoulder, but tingling maily just thumb and yes the tip is slowly acquiring a burning feeling. Local hospital is 1/2 mile away used to do an excellent physio direct service, but not any more. Waiting till 2 o'clock to try and sort something via GP - usually if I say self employed and can't work they send me straight round, so back to the old ways.

    I'll be honest - every muscle in my back is as taught as rawhide, I really need a good broggling.
  8. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  10. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  11. I should really learn to read the whole post :-[
    I'm at work so dipping in and out.
  12. carpol tunnel sydrome will cause pin n needles,achy feeling ,pains in hands ......some days i cant even twist a bolt from a nut and have to use my left hand instead.....go doctors..sod listening to us we aint docs.....hope u get better QT brother zed ...all da best ......
  13. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Got app cancellation with the only GP in the surgery that I really like this evening. He'll refer me to physio and bollock me for stopping his crappy anti-depressants last year without telling him. :lol:
    The man is amazing for a gp. I saw him once, then not again for three years. That time he remembered that I dinghy sail and loads of other stuff, talked to me for a good 20 minutes before he even asked why I was there. :) Not the usual experience where they don't even look up from their computer when you come in. Fingers crossed.
  14. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    nice one zed, hope it gets sorted out.
  15. Dont take it too lightly zed, hopefully you haven't got what Ive got, but they wont want to give you an MRI that's for sure ,they are cash strapped and like you say are really only interested in getting you back earning to pay tax. My root damage is where the discs are herniated, doctors will probably give you muscle relaxants like anytriptaline which is also an antidepressant, tramadol etc etc but then say you cant use machinery etc. Its all very cover my **** . But as you know like building an engine do one thing wrong and that can ******* the rest up. It wasn't till i saw a top man that i got the right diagnosis but even he is sending me to to the very top ie neuro surgeon. Ive been told it wont get better on its own so I'm in pain all the time and worse at night when i lay my head down or i do something i shouldnt . Good luck hope you get the right treatment and its not too serious coz pain nobody can see and yes you can put up with it ,but every day all day for a long time you have to laugh or you would?? Hence i always try to joke and laugh. Like you would tell anyone with an engine that's ****** get someone who knows what they are doing to sort it, and dont do more damage by ignoring it or getting duff info. Sorry but us men dont do docs and we think it will fix itself sometimes it dont zed. No offense meant in anything Ive said either. Pain erts ;)
  16. Sorry hadnt read that before i posted , good luck.
  17. let us know how you get on

  18. Good luck Zed.
  19. Ive got something similar though my doc said its old age. But i'm only 37....

    Still, i think its along the lines of trapped nerve also. Let us know what he thinks
  20. good luck chap.

    There are some simple exsercises you can try to release the ulner nerve. let me know if you want them

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