I recently bought a crankshaft pulley from that well known and trusted online selling area! Mine had got a bit bent pulling with 3 legged puller. Mine is 175mm original with normal timing marks(dimple on outer rim, nick on inner) The one sold is 169 mm, odd marks and no obvious VW stamp. See pics. The guy says it's genuine as it was on his beetle! Oh, and doesn't accept refunds. Thoughts please.
That was a point he made, "If you want a lower cooling fan speed" Not a valid reason for selling something not as described IMHO.
I read the ad as original for beetles, splittys and baywindows as it said so this doesn't really wash. It's not a lot of money just very annoying.
I'd just take it on the chin. It is technically "as described". Cravat Emptor, as Arthur Daley would say. Should be able to get a stock size pulley, new or used. If you're feeling flush, the CSP alloy one is good, but very pricey.
If it's sold via eBay then they can't object to a return if you go through the returns procedure. If you feel it's not what you ordered.
Technically what I ordered isn't what he sent. I'll kick up for the sake of it. Sorted the old one out on my vice anvil with a bar as a whack transferring device into the distorted bit.
I once visited a well known purveyor of lowering and shiny add-ons to look for a good used VW flywheel. He had a big crate of them he's saved after replacing with kewl looking ones but we couldn't find a single straight one hence the hammer tapping approach. I bet the small one you bought is a bent as the one you want to replace.
I read that in an earlier post from you but the engine is in my shed at the mo so vice worked well, gently gently as they say
I fitted one on purpose on mine - it was the only way I could get the belt on/off without dismantling a full flow oil fitting. Slightly shorter belt riding slightly lower in the top pulley and you're back where you started?