What's your dream job?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bekyip, Sep 1, 2012.

  1. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  2. Driving 18 wheelers interstate or roadtrains across australia
  3. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

  4. i would like to be a beach bum in provance on the camargue live on the beach collecting drift wood watching the world go by ssswwweeeeettttttt bliss
  5. i'd like a nice little old fashioned tea room with a nursery attached so that people could read plant books, plan their gardens over a cuppa and take a stroll around the nursery to buy them. i'd need some land to grow them and to keep the animals; chickens, ducks, a goat and 2 pigs called humphrey and ingrid (NOT to be eaten!), oh and a forge. there'd have to be a smithy and i would pop in and have a go at making things too.

    basically a large-ish small-holding where i could potter, chat and make my living from the things i grow and make. it'd all be dressed in vintage fabrics! :)

    i'd also need a barn for the vw's and parties :D
  6. Working in a VW Garage doing restorations. But earning enough money that I could actually support these kids...
  7. owning a camp site for vw camping...and others..
  8. Tassel boy at a stripper club/Gentle men's club >:D
  9. Seriously i would want to run a chrome shop that does powder coating with a engine rebuilt shop attached to it, i see blokes pay for some hideous work & are happy with it, & maybe have my daughter doing Tattoos & piercing with some pin striping.
  10. I used to be a engine builder I really loved that job the money was crap but I used to get to play with engines allday happy days
  11. Moons

    Moons Guest

  12. I would like to introduce Gardeners World and do free Garden makeovers... ;D
  13. The cameraman at sporting events who's job it is to find the fit women in the crowd ;D
  14. Dartmoor National Park Ranger - yey hey hey, boo-boo!!
  15. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

  16. Id Like one of those fishing around the world jobs :).

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