What is the essentials to take from a womans perspective...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Phil, Sam N Gracie, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. hi ya, as the subject states, what would you say the essentials from a ladies point of view, as Phil my partner is taking control of what tools ect to take and he is preping the van, i would take charge of getting the essentials together, we are going to France for a month (with a nearly 2 year old)

    so far all that is on the list is tea bags and baked beans lol, i know i do not need to take loads of Nappy's as i can get them in France, but what do you miss when you go?

    what would you suggest for a first aid box and what else would you think of that is a must, i don't want to take to much but there are things that we defo need that i will probably miss, and in case of emergencies,

    Thank you in advance

    PSG (Sam) x :thinking:
  2. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Sam, you're a woman. Make a list, then for Pete's Phil's sake, cross it all off and take a credit card please or you won't set off until midnight.*

    * Personal experience may have skewed my views. :)
  3. good luck..... a phrase book as they dont speak english...
  4. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

  5. wet wipes - mozzie spray - after sun - hand soap - ear plugs - eye mask
  7. Take no notice from those above ,they may dress strangely but im not sure they are real women. The real girls will be along soon ;). Betty says shes sure gracie will tell you ,she had a chat with her at coolair bless. Enjoy your trip im sure you will remember most including the kitchen sink and electric hook up cable for your little essentials 8)
  8. mrs marowak also added toilet roll(s) ... bed socks and a hot water bottle...and an emergency supply of chocolate
  9. prob. your handbag? all the girls i know (well ,thats three!) cripes , its deffo ,if required in her handbag! dont know how or why , but it will be there!!! have a coolio time you three!
  10. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    The more I read this rubbish the more I wish I were gay.
  11. hahaha

  13. i thought you just had to shout loud and slow in an 'allo 'allo style??
  14. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

  15. i am a woman, i have been in a van and i have known a 2 year old.

    wet wipes ( 4 times as many as you think you need)
    toilet roll
    dettox spray
    breadsticks rice cakes other non sticky non melty snacks
    warm pyjamas (you and bambino)
    ear plugs our boys have ear protectors for music festivals that they also choose to wear at night if camping is not quiet.
    eye mask
    antihistamene and insect cream
    cereal in small boxes
    fly swatter
    i would take the right number of nappies you need in case the nearest shop doesn't have the right size.
    travel laundry wash ( or you can use shampoo for those emergency bedding situations)
    bin liners
    sunhats sun cream
    warm clothes
    story books
    waterproof sheet to cover seat whilst driving so you don't have a wet bed to lie on ( from experience :) )

    odd and not in order but just as they came to me

    bek - a woman
  16. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  17. its france not a backwards country ;D or is it looool ....if you need something buy it from supermarket....

    heres the best bit of kit that no one said .....get one of them freeview tv,s to keep bubs quite on long journeys or download 16gig of childrens tv and a buy media player ....trust me ...its a life saver ....them baby sleeping bags are wicked for when ya out n about .....
    i would buy a book called" get out of france quick and drive to amsterdam " by johnnysensi

    purchase from me and ill even autograph it ...only 300 quid .....get a massive ground sheet for any wet emergency,i always bring one cep last week at camping when i forgot it and the Illegitimate child tent leaked ...arggg

    hope you have a lovely time and have nice weather ....
  18. Thank you ladies and gents of course, :p

    Big help, I have started the massive list to take, it's just last time we went to France Grace dis colated her elbow and the time before that Phil got really bad gastro and we had to take him to the docs, we will take a small first aid kit in case, ;)

    Think I have a better idea now, :thinking:

    Shall be taking the iPad so now I have to work out how to download films and children's tv ect, may take me a while, don't have a clue :eek:
  20. yes please !! ;D

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