What do u listen to when driving?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dinky2, Aug 30, 2011.

  1. Soooooooooooooooooooooooo when you cruzing in you amazing Bays what do you listen to, ?
  2. Bev going on and on about various noises and squeaks she can hear coming from underneath the van!!!! ;D

    Seriously though...not much because our speakers are rubbish and we have not had time to fit decent ones yet. That job is creeping further up the list :D
  3. Its usually The Prodigy blasting out in my bus unless my daughter is with me then i have to listen to goldielocks story cd lol
  4. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    this is the gods honest truth, in the car i'll have music on all the time - mostly rock, in the van even though i have a decent stereo i hardly have it on, i usually enjoy the engine noise, although my exhaust is blowing.....
  5. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    At the moment my summer anthem is America Ventura Highway. This is mixed with Sneaky Sound System (Australia's greatest import since the Terrordales :) ) Sylvester, Grace Jones, Blondie and:

  6. I listen to music mainly, and every now and a gain the engine to make sure she still sounds sweet.
    a 70's complication of mungo jerry and many more.
  7. Depends ... if we are on a long journey and Freya is watching DVDs then nothing as she complains that despite her headphones she can still hear the stereo ... might be due to one of the back speakers being next to her :)

    If she isn't watching DVDs then we have a memory stick full of music (the same as on her MP3 player) ... rock & indie but has been edited down from the original stick for language!
  8. generally when driving the van i listen to Reggae ... and some classic indie hits
  9. Dazzle

    Dazzle Guest

  10. Dazzle

    Dazzle Guest


    Mescaline is my current fav Prodigy tune. There is a nice little feature about their tour bus at 9:30 called Bluey ;)
  11. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Ive got the following:

    The Cult (live somewhere in New York)
    The Jam Best of The Jam
    Green Day Bullet from the Bible
    Motorhead No Sleep Till Hammersmith
    The Prodigy Singles
    The Prodigy Space Invaders must die

    this switched regularly though!!
  12. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    I'm listening to mid 70s stuff - seems the right thing to do!

    Rumours - Fleetwood Mac
    Steely Dan

    Just got a 3 CD compilation on Amazon 75-79 music for £5, couldn't resist.

    So when I stop at traffic lights and can actually heat the music it fits the bill!
  13. Blues when racing, It calms my nerves down :)
  14. The incredible whining noise from my gearbox and the flapping of my louvre windows :(

    The volume on Arthur's stereo is bust and I can't turn it up loud enough to drown the above out. Definitely a job creeping up the top of my list too!
  15. plan b or mumford & sons at the mo
  16. Lazy Andy

    Lazy Andy Supporter

    Mainly indie / rock from a wide range of dates, however, you can't here it with the engine in full song so generally kept for days working on the van or broken down in the services :D
  17. guns and roses for gettin fired up for surfing and jackjohnson for after surf music to chill me out :)
  18. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    i also listen too...
    you're too close
    you're going too fast
    you'll break it
    i can smell burning
    you're too near the middle of the road
    ad infinitum.....
  19. A bit of dubstep, drum and bass, old trojan ska and dub and with the bass turned down, the foos, SOAD, Grren Day, MCR etc lol.
  20. We have period radio that only picks up period stations.

    Need to upgrade to a cd version.

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