What a dominant bitch!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Magical Trevor, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. This morning I was shown this picture and told a story that anyone who has dogs needs to read.! :eek:

    For the past 12 years I have worked with dogs. I train them and work them and spend 95% of my life with them! :) And I love it to bits. :) :)

    Florence for those that havent met her is my pet dog. A really happy go lucky basset hound that if Im honest Ive done a bit with but not much! ::)

    I love pet dogs to be happy smelly dogs not like my working dogs. :)

    Yesterday I had been up early and been grafting getting wood. ::)

    So when the boys had gone to bed got myself comfy watching a film and fell asleep! :-[ :-[

    This is the funny bit!! ;)

    Florence had 2 mins with Shell (somwhere she would normally be allowed to have a few mins! :)) and then moved across to me!!!. Shell watched and she apparently had a few nudges at me to make sure I was asleep (I dont let her sit with me on the sofa! :mad:)

    Then crawled up snook in and took up her position!! :eek: :eek:

    This is a happy go lucky bitch stamping her dominance !! :eek: :eek: Had I not seen the picture I wouldnt have believed it!! :eek: :eek:

    By hippyhough at 2011-12-15

    Luckily Shell knows dogs aswell as me and stepped in and took the picture for a grin and then knocked her back down the ladder..( took her to her box and made her sleep there for the rest of the night!) :)
  2. anna@vwheritage

    anna@vwheritage Sponsor

    ha my dog wishes it could fit in that gap to sleep on me
  3. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Florence is a lovely dog.....you need to train her to stop biting my wrists though :( morklol:
  4. My rotti has her own sofa ^-^
  5. As soon as anyone moves barn hops in there place on the sofa only to be moved off for him to sneak back on when no ones looking its a 9 yr battle lol
  6. At the old house when Zoe was away our two dogs would get on the bed with me while I was asleep. As soon as I moved slightly they would fill the extra space - this would continue until I was perched on the edge of the bed with two dogs luxuriating in all the space. Normally I would wake up and in my half asleep state consider the situation entirely normal and pootle off to the spare room.
  7. A beagle would be better behaved, LOL!

  8. I saw the tittle and thought you were talking about Donnups :))
  10. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    ha ha, my cat is just like that, always curls up next to me when i fall asleep on the sofa. our other cat wakes me up by eating my hair!!!!!!
  14. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    It is a lovely picture ;)

  15. I no your not supposed to let dogs on the settee... but i agree.. tis a lovely pic!! just need a couple of santa hats and it could have been your family xmas card!!!
  16. She's know to keep away from the trev drool :)

    btw that's not dominant and if Florence wants proper lessons on a being a dominant bitch PĂșca is available for 1 to 1 training on how to do it properly :))
  17. barney know s he s not allowed on the sofa :thinking:
  18. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    Mill says "i'm not actually on the sofa dad"
  19. Awwwwhhhh

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