We have Whooping cough

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by matty, Oct 30, 2012.

  1. matty

    matty Supporter

    Well both myself and the wife have been to the Drs and we have Whooping cough it lasts for 100days looks like we have a fun few weeks ahead.
  2. Friend of mine has it, he's been having coughing fits for the last three months. Hope yours is not too bad. My sister had it when she was five and it was dire, mind you that was 52 years ago. I was immune to it, thank goodness.
  3. PIE


    I can't remember if I was inoculated at school, 100 days, I hope I was ???
  4. The vaccine doesn't last, so even if you have had it you can still get whopping cough. We had a leaflet home from school ... apparently 21 days off school is recommended to stop it spreading!! If Freya had a cough she would have been at school with it for a while before I would think of taking her to the doctors so would have passed it to everyone by then!

    Hope you feel better soon :)
  5. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    i had it when i was a littleun, wasn't nice, nearly died :eek:
  6. matty

    matty Supporter

    Had it when i was 4 but it seams the immunity wares off 5 days of antibiotics to stop me being infectious then 8 weeks of coughing fits
  7. Whooping cough was on the news recently, cases are at a reported 20 year high. Apparently a new vaccination program for pregnant women was started this month due to the rise in cases.

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