VW Hangout Ross-on-Wye 18/05/14

Discussion in 'Show Event Photos' started by Joker, May 18, 2014.

  1. This was a really nice and relaxed event. We didn't camp as my engine wasn't finished but made it down for the day and parked up in the Show and Shine line-up. Met some people from Hereford I didn't know and Faux from prototype bay and our own @bertie76 (Lee)

    Had a great time, nice and sunny, will definitely go to Dubs at the Castle now and this next year if it's on.

    Here are some pics;











    bertie78, Neptuneblue and bernjb56 like this.
  2. [​IMG]










  3. [​IMG]










    bertie78, Neptuneblue and bernjb56 like this.
  4. Car of the show for me was the xr2. It was a minter
    paradox and Neptuneblue like this.
  5. Cracking photos mate.. I'll get the couple I took posted later
  6. It certainly looks it. I used to love my XR2, but mine was a MKII - great car to drive though - nippy as ****. Some great looking vans there too :)
    bertie78 likes this.

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