VW Badge

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by chrisgooner, May 25, 2012.

  1. Hi guys I've had my bus for about a year or so now and the other day I walked past it and noticed my VW badge on the front was a bit off kilter. So as I touched it it fell to the floor, after a quick inspection I noticed it had been fixed on with blu tack!! Not bad ehh as use my van almost every day, it's been jet washed and driven through the winter and lasted a year!
    Anyhoo my question to you folks is this..... In the not too distant future my badgeless van is going to be painted, it's a 79 tintop I'm not 100% sure on the colour scheme yet, it won't be original colours and may not even be a VW colour....... Would it be totally wrong of me to put a prototype badge on the front?
  2. :yeah that: sorry Chris. :)
  3. Sacre bleu mon ami........Mal, unless your going to wear slippers and smoke a pipe for the rest of your life! ;)
  4. Wrong on so many levels...
  5. Excuse the innocence but what's the difference?
  6. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  7. It would look better with a Ford or Vauxhall badge....
  8. Sounds like that's a yes then!
  9. prototype bay's large = more blingy
    Late bay's Smaller = more refined,subtle, classy :)
  10. Rez


  11. Don't ;D
  12. Miserable gits I don't want it to look like an early, but the bigger badge does look better than our puny thing.
    Maybe I'll get a splitty badge lol
  13. Don't... People may think its a ringer, for tax purposes...
  14. While we are on the subject then! I am presently restoring mine and when I bought it the front and back had been smoothed off with no bumpers along with grill and indicators filled in! Little circular indicators have been put in instead down where prototype bay indicators are! I take it this is a big no no as well? I am replacing bumpers and putting the grill back in but quite liked the indicators where they where!
  15. Oh no physio they'll all burn you at the stake, fussy bunch on here ;)
  16. Size isn't everything chrisgooner....and as for you physiopro...get thee behind me satin >:D
  17. Lol! I thought it was ok to mess around a bit!
  18. Ok ok I promise I will put them back where they belong!

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