umberella sales up

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Barneyrubble, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. not more rain this weekend , god we will need the "mary sole est " ta float us out next :eek:
  2. Stay in Barney, have the nurse bring you a nice cup of Horlicks and merely gaze out at the drissle.
  4. I hope you've got the blanket over your knees :)
  6. forget that suns cumin 8) for n hr or two :)
  8. nurseee get my ambre solaire 8)
  9. i adore the rain , 4 lots of reasons , particularly cos ive noticed all the nasty smelly crappy minging losertype robbing violent dumb heads of whom there seem to be many(least where i live), will not come out in the rain , expect cos they really are soft boys and think they will melt in the rain (how i wish it were so!) so , i and other fairly ok peeps get to go about our business free from the bleedin hassle of said tossers, and my bus , street parked , is slightly safer! so there you go ! be thankful for rain and the fact you do not live in Glasgow !

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