Try This.....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Majorhangover, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. You may have seen this Email floating about, but if you haven't, try this........

  2. Tis true i tell thee
  3. what a load of rubbish i can do it! :p and have tried several time's! :p
  4. Its addictive :))
  5. ha it's true!
  6. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    I got a funny look from the other side of the room ???
  7. oooh it doesn't work if you start your six in reverse ;)
  8. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    I tried it with my left side. Erm.......I have no control of that side. Looked messy.
  10. Blimey, that's even harder than rubbing your tummy and patting your head at the same time!!! :eek:
  12. Well cool...just had my whole living room rotating their feet 8)
  14. Damn you and your witchcraft >:D
  15. It's somehow liberating being out of control without using drink or bonsai Japanese Maple ;)
  16. I just got a cramp :(

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