Today is Have a Grumble Day

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Sep 9, 2018.

  1. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    When you know how many passengers are traveling at a set time, why can’t you open enough security gates to deal with them?
    Is 45 minutes an acceptable time to queue?
    Why is it always as bad?

    Had my grumble - fill your boots fellow
    grumblers :hattip:
  2. I love a grumble be it passengers who say "be about ten minutes" when you are on time, bit different when I am a little late for them.
    Litter God how that winds me up.
    Zombies walking with mobile phones not looking where they are going
    Drivers that overtake you and the pull of at the junction why not just drop in behind and then pull off.
    Drivers that speed up as you go to overtake them then slow down as you pull in behind them.
    The list is endless but I feel a bit better now after a grumble
  3. Trip advisor ,all the reviews are left by relatives if they are good reviews and bad reviews are left either by competitive businesses or complete numpties.

    Dear trip advisor

    There was far to much sand on the beach , can't someone clear it up

    Yours Mr Numpty
  4. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Don’t get me started! On! :mad:
  5. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I never grumble, I'm a perpetual little ray of sunshine and niceness.
    crossy2112 and Barry Haynes like this.
  6. When people use the washing up liquid, why can’t they close the top after them?
  7. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    It’s ready for next time ;)
  8. DubCat

    DubCat Sponsor

    I'll have an apple and blackberry please.
    Oops sorry, misread the title.
  9. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    Miserable sod:p
    Barneyrubble and davidoft like this.
  10. People who never close cupboard doors. What the hell is all that about?
    Merlin Cat and DubCat like this.
  11. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Tidyness. Pick it up, sort it out.

    Driving too fast on A roads and over taking in dangerous areas. Fgs?

    McDonald’s wrapping in the road. Jeez
  12. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    Nearest Maccys to me is at the side of a dual carriageway, every so often they close a lane and strim the grass verges on the central reservation, all that does is expose the tons of maccys polystyrene containers lazy bastards throw out of their cars
    Merlin Cat and Barneyrubble like this.
  13. People who use roundabouts for over taking they know what lane they should really be in.
  14. Shame there wasn’t more sand , but it gets between your toes and in your sarnies dunit ,n the price of a cornet too, what ever next !!!
    jivedubbin likes this.
  15. n they don’t stop or give way do they and why do they put cardboard cut outs of giant cows n things on um ,it’s like a bludee farm in the middle of the road I dunno !
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  16. Merlin Cat

    Merlin Cat Moderator

    Littering anywhere.
    Muppet Audi TT driver who overtook a lorry on double white lines yesterday. Fortunately nothing came over the hill the other way.
    Folks in cafes who ask me what a white coffe is
    Folks in the queue in front of me who ask if they can ‘get’ a coffee
    Useless whoever does flying Lancaster weekend full itinerary and then hides it out of reach of google so I didn’t know it was flying over Derwent valley today
    Customers who buy poo Victoria plum stuff then complain when it leaks
  17. Likewise, the internet ain't big enough.
  18. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    People who answer their phones when I’m having a coffee with them this morning, not once but twice I walked out in the end, how rude:mad:
  19. That’s the trubs when you stop fa a coffee with a call girl baz:D
  20. Don't get me started...

    Oh, and people in coffee shops who recite an entire order for everyone in their office.
    Merlin Cat likes this.

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