Today is Awkward Moments Day

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Awkward moments happen all the time, and to some folks more than others! For anyone who’s ever wished the ground would open up and swallow them, Awkward Moments Day is a celebration of all awkward moments. From walking out of a public toilet with loo roll on a shoe, to realising you’ve been speaking to someone everyday for a year, and don’t know their name, life is full of these moments. Although there isn’t much information regarding the origins of Awkward Moments Day, many people have commented on how interesting it is that Awkward Moments Day is the day after St Patrick’s day! Awkward Moments Day can boast a mascot though, the awkward turtle.

    So, if anything awkward happens on Awkward Moments Day, be sure to see the humour, of the situation, and have a good laugh about it, before moving on to the next one!

    Examples ?
  2. Well then err............ um................

    Well there we have it!
    bernjb56 likes this.
  3. I'm shocking with names, awkwardly trying to remember as they greet me Hi Jammy or see you Jammy, so I've got lots of mates just called Mate.......I play it safe.......the mother in law doesn't seem to mind being called mate either.
    bernjb56 likes this.
  4. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Also know as late night drunk postings.
    Terrordales and bernjb56 like this.
  5. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Also known as a @Top Banana Racing moment when explaining to the good lady exactly what you bought on Evilbay last night when you may/or may not have had one too many sherries. Also known as a @hailfrank moment for early morning incoherent ramblings which have nothing to do with any known topic :lol:
    That's a perfectly good form of address down here in the colonies, covers a myriad of sins.

    I have awkward moments frequently but I just put that down to my advancing years, I'm sure Ms.T would beg to differ though. :D
    hailfrank likes this.
  6. Standing in the pub toilets next to someone thinking I recognise him. Me "did you used to go and see such and such a band, they were good I must recognise you from the gigs"
    He " yeah I used to go all the time"
    Me "cool"
    When I got out I realised I was talking to the drummer from such and such band.
    I avoided him for the rest of the night.
    Terrordales likes this.
  7. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    At least you said they were good ....
  8. I did the inevitable bloke gaff a few years ago to a female colleage: "When are you due?"

    aaaarrrrggghhhhhhhh! :-(
  9. Last year in sainsburys i had to point out to a lady that she had a very large swing tag hanging from the rear of her knickers , that proclaimed they were now 50 per cent of and only £3.99 . she of course went purple but thanked me for letting her know and thanked me again when i saw her later further round the shop .
  10. One night at Jive i knocked a girls wig of ,there was much rushing to the ladies and scouling ,, funny thing i never danced with her again
    Terrordales and beatnick like this.
  11. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Trumped loudly in the Tesco checkout queue....

    You know the story from the embarrassing moments thread.
    Terrordales and beatnick like this.
  12. we had a couple for drinks and I opened a bottle of wine ,I said I know nothing about wine it probably tastes like vinegar,holding the bottle up and said, well it looks cheap and cheerful ,she said I think it is the wine we brought with us last time...:oops:

    I said ,would you like a can of lager instead ?

    They have not invited us to theirs...:gnome:

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