Tlb rambling jester needed

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by paradox, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. As most of you know ive got a reputation for late night ramblings that entertain and enlighten the members of this wonderfull forum whilst also giving them a little glimpse into the workings of my somewhat strange brain

    Ive been severly lacking in the ramblings of late due to the fact ive stopped smoking the erb and more or less completely cut alcohol out of my life

    I was 34 last month and realised id pushed the boundrys of partying hard and fast since the age of 17 and spent most of that time in my own little reality looking out at the world passing by

    Its about time i grew up a little bit and took control of my life and lived in the harsh light of reality for a few years

    So i would like to hand my notice in as tlbs jester and open up the posistion to suitable applicants
  2. id apply , but ive become a boring old git too for pretty much the same reasons ::)
  3. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    meh! growing up's what old people do. i say fire up the bong pour vodka in your eyeball and PARTY
  4. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    lol busted.
  8. I'm at that age (46) when rather than go out partying I would much rather have a cup of tea and a bit of a sit down. Sam and I would go to gigs all the time and revel in the moshpit but now I will only go to a gig if i can have a seat in the stalls.

    I do still partake in a smoke of the hash but only 1 very mild one of an evening to unwind. Much like one would have a glass of wine. (i dont drink wine, in fact i dont really drink booze at all anymore). I dont like getting wasted anymore and prefer to just be mildly stoned and maintain that level.

    Thus I am not suitable for the above post and shall not be applying. I would like to apply for the post of washed up old pratt trying to hold onto his youth but failing job.
  9. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    im gonna party till my last breath, lifes for living and its gone before you know it, i've done the boring part of my life and i pushed through it

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