Thinking... retro kitchen units in camper

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DriftingBear, May 16, 2013.

  1. I've been thinking about what I can do with my interior. At the moment its all original but a bit tatty. The main thing is it doesn't really work for us the way it is laid out...


    The custom made interiors I've seen are nice, but expensive, and I'm thinking I want something a little different. So I'm wondering about buying some old retro kitchen units and putting them in. Something a bit like this...


    I'd obviously have to buy one's the right size to fit where I want them to go, then I would alter then to maybe incorporate a sink / hob etc...

    I'm just thinking out loud really, but has anyone done anything similar, or can see any advantages or disadvantages of doing this?

    Thanks gang :)
  2. Those things will soon be fetching as much as a custom interior so I would hurry up mate. To be honest though they are a bit tall for a van and that pic is about the smallest they do.

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