Things you don't hear, see, do or say in the work place any more.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Poptop2, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    This I don't see anymore...I work mainly in offices:

    A bin. Something simple you can throw stuff in, not a selection of bins for various yet distinct things for recycling.

    Windows. As in ones that you can open and get some semblance of fresh air.

    People without ID badges, variously worn like Jim'll Fix It medallions.

    Being able to simply tell the ignorant dick in the office to talk quiter/stop whistling/wash occasionally/eat less like an animal/take personal calls from equally ignorant family members somewhere discreet without getting reported to HR.

    A printer. A copier. A scanner. All separate and easy to use, not some huge thing that required advanced coding skills to do something.

    People talking to each other, walking to another floor, finding the person and chatting rather than arsing about with email.

    Tea cups. Not these stupid bloody cardboard things with idiot lids.
    Merlin Cat and Wonty like this.
  2. Yeh as an apprentice draughtsman , i spent my early days in the ammonia print room doing hundereds of prints for approval, no proper vent then either , and in boiler rooms measuring up whilst they were ripping out old blue aspestos before the days of airlock and suits , i have got shadows but its choosey so they say :rolleyes:
  3. ah ha canary wharf ac/ ventilation lol it wont work either if you have windows , it was the im colds that put pay to proper vent :D
  4. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    I can understand 23 floors up no windows....but everywhere seems to have no windows that open!
  5. its like a car if you open a window the a/c doesnt work proberly in an office block you mess up balancing etc , i like opening windows too . Its also AC office space gets higher rent ;)
  6. Not allowed to play the scuttle in the office any life sounds boring
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  7. ...people who have been at the company/job for years and know the ropes - "the Corporate memory" - those who could say "we did something like that 20 years ago and the lessons we learnt were...." everyone like that has left, been made redundant...or retired !! He he.....
    Poptop2 likes this.
  8. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Seemingly streaming music is a no no too....
  9. carbon paper .
    Terrordales and Poptop2 like this.
  10. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    I wonder how many people who "cc" someone on an email know what it means???
  11. whats an email ?
    CollyP likes this.
  12. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    A lot of these replies are office based as I suppose quite a few of us worked or work in offices, yet I have quite a diverse CV and have worked in office, on site and in trucks. As a truck driver I can see the changes throughout industry and in my job now it is a completely different environment. No roping and sheeting, no 16 geared boxes to sing along to as you crunched from one gear to another, no lifting, no chaining down loads ( only in heavy haulage) we are totally traceable through trackers ( that bit alone makes the job crud) and we are checked and tested to the nth degree.

    When I started trucking it was the norm to have a pint with your lunch. The boss only knew for definite where you were if you were spotted. The road was a friendlier place and the only people driving trucks were ( by and large) those who chose it as a career which meant they took pride in their work and were better blokes. These days people come into the job as it's so easy to drive the trucks and because of lifting restrictions and curtain side box lorries the work can be done by anyone. It isn't such a career choice these days, it's more of a alternative to being a drone in a office or factory. We're drones in trucks that get about.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2015
  13. Site surveys were a way out of the office and a necessity, but most Marmite is on disk these days n the cad boys just dont check stuff enuff, architects drawings get changed and no one knows whats really on site like they used too. I did workshop and erection training too so i knew everyones job ,which helps when drawing something that someone else has to make deliver to all sizes of buildings and erect . Basically Apprenticeships arnt the same these days if they get any training atall,.
  14. started working in the local shipyard at 16, what an eye opener. more female workers stopped alot of the banter not all.
    one of the best was the welders getting a bolloc,, whoops telling off by a younge female graduate.
    she had asked them why they were not doing any work, she didn't like the reply
    all they had said was 'the suckers off' meaning the extracters had stopped so they had to stop work.
    i don't honestly know what she thought they had said;)
    Poptop2 likes this.
  15. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Ah office work is far more traceable...shared calendars, shared file stores, meeting room booking and traceable phone system on top of thin client technology that checks what you are looking at and his you interact with it.

    On top of electric access system and mobile phone technology..the bosses know what you are up to if the want.
  16. [​IMG]
    Merlin Cat, tommygoldy and Moons like this.
  17. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Even to understand the word Doublethink involves using Doublethink.
    Terrordales and Poptop2 like this.
  18. Reporting progress on a job by standing outside with your boss, cig in one hand, brew in another... and not a sodding powerpoint presentation filled with graphs insight.
    Merlin Cat likes this.
  19. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I miss the long boozy lunches we used to have in the 70's & 80's. :(
  20. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Not sure if this still goes on but when I first started in the building game my new workmates tryed to get my trousers down and paint my balls.

    I may of been young and fresh from college but they lost.

    I hope it easy just their thing and it happened elsewhere.

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