Putting pennies on the London to Brighton line, playing splits, conkers, marbles, penny up the wall, flicks with football cards, drinking mums vodka, reading dads magazines, bunking in to the pictures through the fire escape, nicking the pick a mix from Woolworths, climbing on the school roof and ringing the bell, eating scrags from the chip shop
Making elastic band guns to shoot ring pulls and bottle caps, making a fort on top of the shed and fending off attacks from the neighbours kids.
Going collecting wood for the bonfire. Walking around school shouting we want many men for a game of British bulldog.
A few on here from north and West Yorkshire might have been cleaning the cotton fluff from between the machines at mill
Small boys in the park, jumpers for goalposts. Rush goalie. Two at the back, three in the middle, four up front, one's gone home for his tea. Beans on toast? Isn't it? Marvellous.
That's virtually my childhood! Oh and taking Corona lemonade empty bottles back and getting 10p and of course Friday night youth club .
Saturday morning pictures I was an ABC minor, who remembers banging on the seats when the film went off
Knock down ginger, we took it to a new level remember the old wooden door bells we used to ring the bell then stick a drawing pin into the wood to hold the button in so it would continuously ring