The Print Media and the Olympics - rant

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Moons, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. Moons

    Moons Guest

    It shames me to say it, up until recently I have been fairly oblivious to this lots antics (despite working for them in the past in IT).

    The broadcast media have plainly been investing a great deal of time and effort into giving us a back story to our competitors in and around the Olympics for a number of months, footage they are now using. They have obviously spend a lot of time getting camera angles and fantastic technology and the right pundits in (admittedly its not always perfect).

    From what I can tell (and certainly attest for one major newspaper group) the print media have done no such thing and are relying on regurgitating other non news items (such as quoting twitter on the 'Backlash' and 'Fury' over Welsh and Scottish players not singing anthems, despite some English players not singing either), complete reactionary sensationalism or plain old making stories up.

    The last straw for me today was the numpty that asked Victoria Pendleton if her main competitor was a 'Cow'.

    The cyncism of the question - baiting her by the slightly humourous put down - was a disgrace.

    Why our competitors are not allowed to simply reply - "you mate can ***** off and learn to ask a remotely relevant question" is beyond me. Why his peers didn't make their thoughts know either is beyond me.

    I've always valued the press - but if this is all they are capable off then they will get absolutely what they deserve which is an industry dying on its arse. Good riddance.
  2. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    They trouble is that rumours and sensationalism sells.

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