Being in the transport industry I’d be very wary of putting that on a pallet unprotected. First it has to be collected locally by someone driving a 18 ton rigid, that then traipses around collecting other palletised and non pallletised goods, it then goes back to the depot. Depending on how the driver has stacked it, driven around bends etc, it remains in one piece, then it’s transhipped ( forklift ) to that companies trunker, then taken to the hub overnight and the first process is done in reverse. Unless it’s boxed or you’re solely concerned with getting a part from it I wish you good luck.
In the last hour or so ive searched the for couriers to find there all impossible to phone and discuss things with them. They all ,on their website ,state that goods literally need to be palleted up,secured and labelled . The auction house wont do any of that for me so it looks like a lengthy road trip for me.
Thank you all for assistance and suggestions, It looks to me with only a few hours looking, that a courier will be out of the question not only financially but mainly for the reasons echoed by poptop2 above . Couriers have rightly got specific instructions that have to be complied with for the protection of both parties and the item itself and i wont be able to comply with them. So it looks like an early start next Thursday up to collect it and transport it back using my own vehicle ,that way its only in one set of hands (mine) who cares about its safety . Thanks again for al your help and suggestions.
I guess my point was, unless someone else is equally well equipped as you, they will struggle to help, however willing they might be.
i can report some success with my courier hunt. Just yesterday i had set myself up for a 720 miles round trip to Aberdeen , about to go out to fill the van with diesel , then i got a phone call back from a lad in Glasgow who stated he had just got a job to deliver stuff to leeds (about nine miles from my home ) and he was to be setting of in the morning (this morning ) and he could collect the jukebox from Aberdeen and deliver it this morning for £250 , i gulped a little but i had estimated £160 of diesel , plus £40 in meals etc there and back for two of us , wear and tear on myself and the van , so it would cost just an extra £50 for someone to do it for me, as you can imagine i snapped his hand off. I can add tht as a bonus ive found 50 pence in the jukebox as a Brucie bonus Pleased to say it arrived safe and sound this morning . again thanks for all who suggested ideas to assist. the picture shows just the amplifier from the jukebox and the large transformer sat there ends an almost 15 years search for one , the amp itself looks to have been in the hands of a restorer in recent times but the amp also looks as though it and the jukebox have been sat in a damp location for some time and willl need some attention and time to dry off a little before i do anything to it
I am afraid that the storage conditions have reeked havoc on most of the cards making the writing impossible to read from the cards. it holds 50 records so a 100 selection Jukebox. ive been fortunate that i started collecting records for my first jukebox 20 years ago just as they went out of fashion and i was able to buy peoples full collections for 5 or ten pounds, ive literally bought suitcases of records for a couple of quid the cases being to heavy to carry . sadly those days are gone for the moment with the great upsurge of inerest in vinyl and just basic second hand records going for a couple of quid. i have maybe three thousand give or take, no valuable ones or rareities just good stock for the jukebox.
i have asked the auction house if they would exchange my details with the seller so i could ask them about its history , but in essence they have refused to do so stating "Unfortunately, this jukebox came from an estate and we therefore cannot give out any information regarding same". They seem to have answered a different question to what i asked, i asked if they could contact the seller and "ask if they would allow them to give me their details or pass my details to them" . even if it is from a dead persons estate , there is obviously someone selling the persons item who just migh know some answers. Ah well never mind I think its been removed from its last place just in time before any permamant damage has been caused , in reality i have bought it fo spares to repairt my origional box , in particular just the transformer, now that i have it i can see my daughter wanting it from me , she has already got an old rega planer three from me i had in the loft and made a great system of it in her house , i recon she will want the box and just put a modern amp in and get someone to sort out the other electrics that the transformer on the amp also poweres , lights turntable and selector arm and the rotor motoer for the record selection the box is a box of around 1964 , it seems the amplifier has been overauled and reletively recently as many new/ modern replacement componants are fitted to it , the record selections seem to span a few decades but i might suggest with no knowledge that it hasnt been used for at least 5 years and stored in a unheated garage type of room